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anFoxGUI.FLL: Multiline Tooltips/Locating MsgBoxes
Armin Neudert, TMN Systemberatung GmbH
anFoxGUI.fll provides you with real windows multiline tooltips (no 127 character limit) in regular and ballon style for all VFP controls - even containers. Just add one property and one line of code to the MouseEnter event of your base control classes. It also allows you to position a MessageBox anywhere on the screen - wherever you want. anFoxGUI is designed to work with VFP 7.0 or newer only. This version is a beta, so please feel free to report any bugs you will find!
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22 years ago
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ToolTips ________________________________________ - Multiline tooltips for all VFP controls (even for controls which cannot display tooltips by default: Containers, OptionGroups, etc.) - Balloon and regular style tooltips - Tooltips can be centered at the bottom of the control, or being shown at the regular position - Overcome the 127 character limit for tooltips in VFP7 (this limit has been increased in VFP8) - All tooltip styles are real Windows tooltips -> Behave like the user has configured the tooltip behaviour in Windows (fade-in, roll-in) -> Respect the color/font settings the user has configured for tooltips in Windows - Respects a form's ShowToolTips property MessageBoxes ________________________________________ - Position Windows MessageBoxes anywhere on the screen - Same interface as the native VFP MessageBox function - Provides a workaround for a timeout related bug
Created by
Armin Neudert, TMN Systemberatung GmbH
Armin is co-owner and one of two managing directors of TMN Systemberatung GmbH located in Ilsfeld (near Stuttgart, Germany that’s where the Mercedes and the Porsches come from). Armin’s first experiences with FoxPro have been with FoxPro for Windows 2.6. Over the years he worked in large projects where he got experience with MS SQL Server, UML, Multi Tier Architecture, COM+, Visual Basic, etc. Armin uses Visual FoxPro as his main development tool. Since 1994 he is a Regional Director for the Ger...

Great Solution. I had the chance to get a early look and will implement it in my recent project right away!!! Thanks Armin ! Marcus Alt, May 26, 2002

Armin, your solution works great, thanks a lot for sharing it. Please accept an enhancement request: May you add a new parameter to keep the tooltip on the screen (kind of "noclear" in wait window) and a new function to make it dissapear, please? Thanks in advance. Maximo Zambrano, November 12, 2003

Armin, I like this a lot. I have been testing the native (Systray)Balloon tip and this is a bonus effect. Have you upgraded this lately? I would like to see it. Thanks, Felix Felix Serra, January 24, 2004

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