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CursorAdapter VCX Builder for VFP 9
Mark McCasland
This class is designed to connect to a DBC, Oracle or SQL Server, retrieve all tables in that database, then create a CursorAdapter subclass for each table. This class generates the code that is needed at runtime to populate the properties in each CA in order for VFP to auto-generate the Insert, Update, Delete SQL. You also have the option of using your own SQL code provided in one of the methods of each CA subclass just by setting the value of the lAutoGenerate property.
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21 years ago
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This class is designed to connect to a DBC, Oracle or SQL Server, retrieve all tables in that database, and create a CursorAdapter subclass for each table. This class generates the code that is needed at runtime to populate the properties in each CA in order for VFP to auto-generate the Insert, Update, Delete SQL. You also have the option of using your own SQL code provided in one of the methods of each CA subclass just by setting the value of the lAutoGenerate property. The first step done by the builder is the creation of a Class Library [VCX] with a CursorAdapter baseclass. Then, all the Table-specific CursorAdapters are created as sub-classes of the CA baseclass. This allows you to set "common" properties at the baseclass level like a DataSource [connection handle] for example. Please keep in mind this is a design time UTILITY and is not intended to be "pretty" with respect to the UI. However, it does its intended job quite nicely.
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Very Good, I used version 2.03, it helps a lot. Is it works for local views???... Alexander Cubillos, December 16, 2003

No. To create CAs to replace views in a DB would be much more work. Mark McCasland, December 24, 2003

Mark, do you have a step by step guide to generate CursorAdapters with CABuilder9...this my first time what i am using the tool. thanks a lot William Chavez, November 11, 2009

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