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Printing rotated text - fonts for it
John Kiernan, Kierpro Associates
There has been a constant gripe forever that VFP doesn't provide the ability to rotate text on a report. Well, I can't do anything about that per se, but... I created two 'sideways' fonts. These allow you to put something on a report field, close it to one character, then put it to 'stretch with overflow' and when the letters flow down the side of the page they will be rotated 90 degrees.
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There are both clock-wise and counter-clockwise fonts in the Zip, along with a PDF file showing an example. Also in the package are short routines for 'reversing' text on the CCW font and 'addspace' which is needed if there are spaces in the text on the Clockwise font (the 'addspace' is in the 'reverse' routine for the CCW font already). This is needed for the Counter Clockwise font as the way VFP stretches text will always put the first letter at the top and push everything down. This looks fine on the clockwise text, but gives a reversed look on the counter clockwise text. Running the report field through this attached function will reverse the text. Hope everyone enjoys it. It's not exactly rotated text, but accomplishes essentially the same thing. NOTE: The latest Sidefonts corrects a problem where VFP was removing spaces. Many thanks to Jean-Pierre Overbeek for help with the fix! -- John Kiernan, KierPro Associates Custom VFP/Accounting Programming and Web interfaces VFP and/or SQL back ends Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum (I think that I think, therefore I think that I am.)
Created by
John Kiernan, Kierpro Associates
Specialize in Sage/ACCPAC Pro Series (SBT) accounting system modifications and systems analysis. Also work with VFP to Web interfaces using Web Connect by West Wind and SQL back ends. Now working also with JavaScript, PHP and Ruby on Rails.

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