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Vertical Scroll Bar Class
James Edgar
The Vertical Scroll Bar class. This class was a theme for the article in July 2003 UT Magazine issue. The source code contains the class library, SCROLLBAR.VCX, that has all of the components of a working vertical scroll bar including all code, and the examples described in the article.
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20 years ago
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Try it out, use it, modify it. Whatever you want. I only ask that you not sell it and if you include the code in a commercial application, proper attribution be given.
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Nick Neklioudov, Cgi Group Inc.
Nick Neklioudov, M.Sc., CNA, works as Senior Analyst with CGI Group Inc. in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Programming in all versions of FoxPro/VFP since 1987, in .Net since 2003, not counting some other developer tools and environments. Nick received Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award three times. Nick Neklioudov has over 20 years experience with computers and information technologies, especially in database-oriented programming, object-oriented programming and information systems devel...

I'm having some problems running this in VFP7. Specifically, the scroll bar is very thin when running scroll2.prg. So, I recompiled, but it is missing all the following files: Error in global include file: Include file 'c:\jeff\include\standard.h' is not found. Error in global include file: Include file 'c:\cpdevel\cpdm50\include\standard.h' is not found. Jeff Leason, August 19, 2003

To those of you who, like Jeff Leason who encounter a missing standard.h. The solution is to search out in the class the lines "#include standard.h" and remove the include call. This library was required for an earlier version, but is no longer required. After 10/30/03 Nick has updated the download to a version that has this and other minor errors corrected. James Edgar, October 20, 2003

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