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wwHelpTools for WestWind HelpBuilder (wwHelp)
Frank Dietrich, Dietrich Datentechnik
You use WestWind's HTML HelpBuilder (wwHelp) and always wanted to show expandable topic trees (TOC) on Your Index-, header- or other pages? You write Documentation but when the version finally is ready for shipment can't remember witch were all the cool new features and witch were the fixes that should appear on the "What's new"-page? wwHelpTools is a small dll that hooks into HelpBuilder's templates and does exactely this for You.
Created on
20 years ago
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General information
wwHelpTools is a extension to WestWind's HTML-Builder. If You don't use it, this will be of no use for You. Otherwise this might be something You've been looking for. wwHelpTools is a collection of currently two classes that hook into wwHelp's templates and allow You to create treeview-like Topic-trees for Your help projects. These trees can be on indexpages, headers or any other page allowing navigation through Your whole help project or just parts of it (sub-trees). Once Your environment is set up, all You need to do is write
at any point in Your topic-body. This will create a Topic-tree starting from the current topic on downwards as soon as the HTML will be generated next time. The second class is a little more sophisticated. I called it wwWhatsNew. A bit difficult to tell what it does, but I think You will get the idea when You look through the documentation (see "Welcome" or the samples under "wwWhatsNew"). wwWhatsNew creates Your "What's new"-pages from structured information that is scattered all over Your help project. Simply write "teaser-paragraphs" while You write Your documentation. Assign them a type like "New", "Update", "Fix", a headline and a version-key. Then let wwWhatsNew and wwHelp create Your structured What's New - page(s). All You need to do is add a tag
to an empty (or not empty) topic. see documentation and samples at http://www.personalplanung.com/wwHelpTools/index.htm Comes with setup-routine, helpfile and a demo help-project 2004-02-19 Version 1.1 wwHelpTOC now optionally displays a message below a menu-tree in case the user has JavaScript disabled. have fun with it.
Created by
Frank Dietrich, Dietrich Datentechnik
FoxPro 2.5 / 2.6 since 1993 VisualFoxPro since appearance of VFP3 ActiveX, ADO, COM, ODBC...

Very cool, Frank. Thanks again! Hank Fay, November 22, 2003

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