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DECLARE those API functions
Boudewijn Lutgerink
Tired and fed up with typing those long declare statements before you can use those windows functions? With this simple tool you can select the function you need with simply typing API (including the space). Press enter for selection and voila, the complete declare statement is in the code snippet or command window. The information comes from news2news.com, a site you MUST visit (and wonder how you ever could do without!)
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20 years ago
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In the zipfile is a textfile, apicalls.txt, read that for installation and use! The table of functions is far from complete. I intend to add new functions regularly, so, stay tuned to the UT.
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I followed the instructions step by step but when I type "API" and then press the spacebar the only thing that happens is that the "API" is erased. I tested it in VFP7SP1 and VFP8SP1 in both versions it behaves the same. Luis Guerra, February 11, 2004

I followed and performed each step of the instructions. The first time I typed 'API' and the spacebar the routine ran correctly. I was in the home() folder. I then switched to my application folder and when I hit spacebar 'API' was erased. I then returned to the home() folder and it behaved in the same manner. Lamar Glover, February 16, 2004

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14 years ago
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