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Christian Ehlscheid, Edv Ermtraud Gmbh
FLL & more for better Winapi/C integration. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
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18 years ago
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2006-03-19: Version uploaded. see changelog.txt for a list of new functions /bugfixes. some features: Memory management API. Memory alteration API. To read/write any C datatype from/into memory. C struct/union converter which can convert C struct/unions of any complexity into Visual FoxPro classes with only a few clicks. An API to manipulate the registry. API to enumerate/control windows services. Conversion functions between FILETIME, SYSTEMTIME and FoxPro date(time)s. Asynchronous notification functions to detect filesystem & registry changes. Enumerate Printer jobs/forms/trays. Enumerate ODBC datasources & drivers. Do math with 64bit integer literals. some functions: ADIREX - extended ADIR AWINDOWS(Ex) - wrapper around EnumWindows, EnumChildWindows, EnumThreadWindows & EnumDesktopWindows GETOPENFILENAME - wrapper around the GetOpenFileName - extended GETFILE GETSAVEFILENAME - almost the same as GETOPENFILENAME ... ADIRECTORYINFO - returns no of subdirectories, files, size of a directory AFILEATTRIBUTES(Ex) - wrapper around GetFileAttributesEx GET(SET)FILETIMES - wrapper around GetFileTime, SetFileTime GETFILESIZE - wrapper around GetFileSize/Ex (dependent on operating system) GET(SET)FILEATTRIBUTES - wrapper around GetFileAttributes/SetFileAttributes GETFILEOWNER - return owner/domain of a file COMPAREFILETIMES - compares last modified date of two files DELETEFILEX - deletes file even if it is readonly DELETEDIRECTORY - deletes a whole directory and all subdirectories (be careful with it) SQLEXECEX - SQLEXEC with more options BINDEVENTSEX - BINDEVENTS to window messages with more options SYNCTOSNTPSERVER - synchronize computer clock with some SNTP time server CREATE(RELEASE)CALLBACKFUNC - JIT assembles a C Callback function many more ...
Created by
Christian Ehlscheid, Edv Ermtraud Gmbh

Since no help file is included, it would be great to have a sample prg to demo the calling conventions. Vegas Cheng, October 4, 2005

Hi, yes .. the help is almost completly missing .. i'm currently enhancing the example project & intellisense script .. have a look again in the next days .. i'll gonna upload a newer version of the files Christian Ehlscheid, October 4, 2005

Hey! Thanks Christian! Borislav Borissov, October 7, 2005

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Christian Ehlscheid, Edv Ermtraud Gmbh
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21 years ago
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