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Remote Debugger 1.6
Anton Oleynic, Aed Lab, Khai
Remote Debugger is a free component for VFP9 applications to handle run-time errors (i.e. bugs) on the user's computer or server and to report them to developer via e-mail. Just call it from the error handler and Remote Debugger does the rest: It gathers information about error situation and sends it to your mailbox. This is an easy to use and complete tool to support applications which tend to be bugfree. Version 1.6 now has built-in automatic localization feature and allows to easily create new translations. Spanish, Russian and English localizations currently available.
Created on
18 years ago
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4.50/5.00 (2 rates) Rate this item
This is what your users will see in a case of run-time error: Hope, the picture saves a lot of words. The report will be delivered directly to your mail box, so you don’t need any stuff except an e-mail account. Inside the report you will find: 1) Error code and message. 2) Call stack contents. 3) Memory variable values at all stack levels. 4) Structure of selected cursor and field values in current record. 5) Other status info. This is all you need to quickly recognize a problem source and provide an appopriate fix. Usage of e-mail client for communication allows you to easily contact the user for additional information or to notify about available updates.
Created by
Anton Oleynic, Aed Lab, Khai
Anton Oleynic is a software engineer with Aero-Engine Diagnostic Lab. of National Aerospace University "KhAI", Kharkov, Ukraine. He has 5 years of experience in full-cycle developing VFP applications for technical diagnostics, process control and research purposes. Specializing in designing flexible and extendible OOP technologies incorporating data processing, visualization, user interface and communication. Author of articles demonstrating developed technologies with their practical usage. Sin...

great! thanks a lot :) Rolando Rosales, March 26, 2006

It works great in my development machine, but I get a "Visual FoxPro Support Library not found" error when trying to run the rdebug-redist.exe at the users machine. I have tried with VFP 9,8 and 6 libraries. Any help? Arlei Silva, March 29, 2006

VFP 9 SP 1 run-time must be properly installed. Check if vfp9r.dll on the user's computer is the last version (from the service pack 1) and does it installed into available folder like System32 or Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VFP\ Contact me by mail if this doesn't help. Anton Oleynic, March 29, 2006

Great component..it works just fine no problem at all!!!! Efrain Dueñas, January 6, 2007

It works great! Couple questions: - In your picture you have gradient buttons but in the actual download there are just regular buttons. Is there another version? - What would happen when it appears SP2 or VFP 10? Also, in your example form when you generate a series of errors and you run you are running sample handler it works fine, but when you use the customization test options it don't stop further errors ald shows normal VFP error handler. Victor Chigne, January 24, 2007

> In your picture you have gradient buttons but in the actual download there are just regular buttons. Is there another version? - This is just how butons look with custom Windows XP style I have on my PC. RDebug use standard buttons and their look depends on Windows theme. > What would happen when it appears SP2 or VFP 10? - I will compile COM-component using latest version. > Also, in your example form when you generate a series of errors and you run you are running sample handler it works fine, but when you use the customization test options it don't stop further errors ald shows normal VFP error handler. - Thanks. That was for some test purposes I don't remember... Change first code line of test_custom.prg to ON ERROR RETURN (from ON ERROR) to make it handle only first error from series. This is how it made in sample handler which must be implemented in client application. Anton Oleynic, January 26, 2007

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Anton Oleynic, Aed Lab, Khai
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20 years ago
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