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ctl32_scontainer - Scrollable Container Class
Carlos Alloatti, Maka
Version 20061010. A scrollable container class that can be used for paning large images, create explorer, taskpane and other modern GUI interfaces, or used anywhere a general purpose container needs to scroll due to screen resizing.
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17 years ago
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Check here for full docs and more info: http://www.ctl32.com.ar Visual design, drop control in a form, add a child control to it. Supports mouse wheel vertical and horizontal scrolling, also mouse wheel zoom in/out in contained image control. Supports click and drag scrolling. Active control auto-scrolling, with configurable vertical and horizontal margin, when a control gets focus it scrolls into view. Transparently participates in the form's normal tab order Fully configurable behaviour: small change, large change, wheel change, always display scrollbars, display horizontal, vertical, both or no scrollbars. Scrollbars dissapear or get disabled when not needed. Scroll boxes correctly report position and size of the visible area within the total contained control area. Full Windows XP theme compliance. Download includes all ctl32 classes
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Carlos, This is absolutely wonderful work!!! All of these ctl32 classes are stunning. Can't wait to implement them. VFP Gratitude from San Juan, Puerto Rico Kenneth Tamayo Kenneth Tamayo, September 30, 2006

You did it again. :) Excellent! Can't wait to see the next ctl32_tabbar control ;) Dorin Vasilescu, September 30, 2006

Kenneth: Thank you for your kind words. Glad you like the ctl32 classes. Dorin: Thank you too. In this case "We" did it. This class was a team effort by Malcolm Green and I. Carlos Alloatti, September 30, 2006

Carlos, This control look very promising and I can't wait to try it out. Congratulations on all of your ctl32 stuff. BTW, the video demo is a cool way to show off the control's capabilities without having to download and try it! Keep up with the fantastic work and contributions to the VFP community. I for one appreciate your efforts. VFP, you and Malcom ROCK!! Mike Sue-Ping, October 1, 2006

Hi Carlos/Malcolm This is really cool stuff :) Wish something like this was possible at design time as well. Keep it up :) Srdjan Djordjevic, April 20, 2007

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