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Create a DSN by writing straight to the registry
Luis Guzman, Public Defender's Office
This program creates a DSN on the fly or modifies an existing one by writing the necessary values to the Windows registry. Very usefull when you need to deploy a Client-Server application to a high number of computers.
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17 years ago
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I have used similar code like this in many client-server applications, it saves you the headache of having to create individual DSN connections in every machine. Feel free to move the code to a visual class, I uploaded it in a PRG to make it more readable. Just call the PRG with the neccesary parameters, then check your registry and you will see a DSN ready to use with thhe name you specified. Bellow are sample parameters that I included so you can run the program without pasing any parameters and test what it does, just replace the name of your SQL Server, your Database and choose any name you like, then go to Visual FoxPro, run the SQLCONNECT() command and you will see the DSN you just created listed on it. f you find encounter any problems you can email me at LENNISCATA@YAHOO.COM, I try to respond as soon as I can. Enjoy! * This are sample values I included here so you can just run the program * and see how it works without having to send any parameters, * just remember to comment it after you finish testing the code. *** Sample values for parameters ***** tcDSNNAme = 'CLIENTDB_DEV-FEL' &&Raplace with any name you like tlOverWrite = .T. tcDatabase = 'CLIENTDB_DEV' && Name of your database tcLastUser = 'sa' && You can use any user here, tcDriverPath = 'C:\WINDOWS\System\SQLSRV32.dll' && tcServer = 'PDOSQL' &&Name of server tlTrustedConnection = .T. *eof Sample values *
Created by
Luis Guzman, Public Defender's Office
Civil Engineer Analyst/Programer I am Civil Engineer, have worked in construction projects usign Autocad and Foxpro together to design and control the differents phases of those projects.

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Luis Guzman, Public Defender's Office
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