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Heap allocation class
Ed Rauh
A way to allocate memory for structures needed by many API calls. CLSHEAP.PRG is a procedure library that implements a non-visual class that manages a memory heap. It can create and release static memory blocks, and provides mechanisms to transfer information between heap allocations and VFP memory variables. A set of procedures are provided to do conversion between internal VFP data representations and the external representations that are needed when building a structure, as well as to transfer data between absolute memory addresses and VFP variables.
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25 years ago
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Additional methods have been added to simplify allocation of predefined structures and strings with a single method invocation. There are also functions available to allocate and deallocate NetAPI buffers, which are needed by some NT network family API calls. This release corrects a problem with casting DWORDs represented as integers between 2^31-(2^32-1), adds a signed LONG conversion, and better encapsulation of the object with reduced visibility of internal class properties from outside. There's also a bit more commentary on what's going on internally AFA the Win32 memory model. Upcoming additions will include some support for creating ByteArrays and VariantArrays from VFP arrays. This has not been added to the current version. Some added data conversions for the SINGLE floating point data type, and a more efficient conversion of integer and pointer type data that uses RtlMoveMemory() rather than VFP computation of the translated structure is in the works as well - an example of how this will work can be seen in the conversion for the DOUBLE data type. All VFP, using standard Win32 API calls. Works under all versions of VFP (3,5,6). Not very sophisticated at present, it demonstrates the basic calls needed to use structures and pointers.
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25 years ago
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