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Duplicate Class Utility
Michael G. Emmons
Anyone who has done much object oriented programming in VFP has needed to duplicate a class in the same class library at one time or another. Sometimes you need to make a quick backup, other times you'd like to create a new class with many of the same properties and methods as an existing class (I'm talking about sibling clases here, not cases where you need to subclass). Duplicating a class in a class library is a cumbersome process. From the class browser you are required to copy the class to a different class library, rename the new class, copy the class back to the original library and delete the copy still sitting in the other library. Yuck! Isn't there an add-in for the class browser to accomplish this without all the fuss? No! Just kidding, if you've read this far you know the answer is yes. Dupclass.app does just that. It will copy any class to the same library allowing you to rename the copy anything you like.
Created on
25 years ago
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Michael G. Emmons
Object-oriented analysis and design. Codebook & COMCodebook framework. UML. N-tier design. Converting FP 2.6 apps to VFP.

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