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Range Class 2.0
Ko Wisse, Huisman Equipment B.V.
This class can be used to create complex filters on numeric data. It will convert strings as '1,3-5,10' to 'myfield = 1 or between(myfield,3,5) or myfield = 10'. The separate ranges and values will also be stored so you can use them for whatever ranges to want. New in this version is the PrintRange method. You can call it with a printer command as parameter and it will print the pages specified
Created on
23 years ago
File type
General information
How to use this class: You can place this textbox class wherever you want. If you want a filter expression for a SQL string or for any other thing you want, then you can call the GetFilter(cExpr) method. If you want to print only the pages the user specifies then you can call the PrintRange(cCommand) method. If you only want to now the separate values of the range the user specified, then you can use the GetRange() method. Remarks: If there is a special thing where you can use this class for, and you thing other users may find it useful,
or if you have comments or questions about this class feel free to contact me.
Created by
Ko Wisse, Huisman Equipment B.V.

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