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XFRX - the VFP report engine replacement
Martin Haluza
Update: 06/03/2012: New version is out - 14.3 - with PDF/A support No matter which VFP version you are using, XFRX allows you to comfortably preview your reports (with search, hyperlink and drilldown functionality) or convert them to any output format you need: fast, precise and easy to deploy. The currently supported output formats are: PDF, XPS, DOC, OpenOffice, RTF, XLS, HTML, TXT, MHT, XML, DBF, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and multipage TIFF.
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22 years ago
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Please see www.eqeus.com from release notes, documentation and evaluation version download.
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Okay, now I used the PDM ages ago, but lost it when I changed companies. Now, I come back and find this updated as well - excellent work indeed!! The interface is perfect!! Ric Ric Hyden, September 6, 2002

This product is absolutely brilliant and has been able to create the very complex DOC and PDF reports from my application that none of the other FRX add-on's have been able to achieve. I highly recommend XFRX to all other VFP users because it provides the vital missing component from REPORT FORM that Microsoft forget to deliver, that is, a sensible and usable file output from the reporting option. Rex Toomey, October 20, 2002

I found this product much slower then printer driver versions. It took 3-4 minutes to run through a 280 record report. Usually we get complaints from customers if it takes more then a minute (I run a 500mhz comp). Still more major then the speed, was the report itself. It made several significant mistakes with the formating of the report I tried to convert to pdf. It added several rows of zeros sporadically and didn't observe the print when statment in a few fields. This might be an acceptable solution for simple reports of small size, but more complex ones I do not think so. Mike Privott, November 20, 2002

Mr. Privott, the speed depends on the complexity of the report, e.g. a 300 record report that prints a list of invoices grouped by customers takes 10 seconds on my 1000Mhz Celeron. XFRX is written mainly in VFP. This may be an advantage for VFP developers interested in the source code, but I agree it can be considered slow for long complex reports. The problem with rows of zeros has been fixed in the latest version. I'm not aware of a problem with print when statement. If you could send me more details about this problem, I would really appreciate it. Martin Haluza, November 26, 2002

I have tried several of the PDF generators and this is the most reliable and easy to use IMHO. No special drivers required so it transfers easily to your customer's system (royalty free license). Martin provides quick and thoughtful support whenever there is a problem. The primary reports I wanted to export to PDF are graphics-heavy forms and they transfer flawlessly using this tool. Performance for me has been quite acceptable. Seldon J Childers, December 23, 2002

During my researches on "XFR to other common file types" adds I have found XFRX as a product that is optimal considering speed and quality of generated output reports (doc/html/pdf). Technical support from Eqeus is really great. High recommendations! Tomasz Tanski, May 23, 2003

I have used Frx2word,Frx2any and now xfrx. This is the best and easiest to use by a street. Martin well done. Colin Northway Colin Northway, May 29, 2003

Amazed at how quickly I was able to add very important functionality to all my applications. An outstanding tool, very easy to use, at a fair price with extremely responsive support. I have integrated into my personal use of VFE with no problem. Thank you Martin. Charles Hankey, June 9, 2003

I have had good support from Martin and find the conversion to be very good. George Duncan George Duncan, January 3, 2005

With new version 11 I can create my reports with like foxpro dos days with code. Easy like @say command. And Martin gives good support. Metin Emre, July 5, 2005

Brilliant work ! XFF scripts are amazingly powerfull concept. They more then fulfill my long standing VFP wish, of being able to programaticaly compose report output. Thks+++ Srdjan Djordjevic, September 21, 2005

I need to use different font scripts in the same pdf file. xfrx does not support this important report feature. I wrote to Martin about this two times but havent got reply. Andrus Moor, March 10, 2008

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Martin Haluza
PDF Library (PDFL) is a software tool that allows you to generate PDF documents from your VFP code. It provides a set of functions that do all the work for you. PDFL can add text, lines and rectangles, complicated shapes using paths and Bézier curves and pictures. PDFL can be used together with XFRX...
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21 years ago
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