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Developing FLL libraries - More power
Roberto C. Ianni, August 1, 2004
As an objective for this issue, I want to propose the following points, to complete the first part of the development of an FLL. Advanced development with an FLL; Accessing VFP data; Executing VFP commands from a FLL; MultiThreading; FLL with VFP 9.0; Executing Assembler from VFP.
As an objective for this issue, I want to propose the following points, to complete the first part of the development of an FLL. Advanced development with an FLL; Accessing VFP data; Executing VFP commands from a FLL; MultiThreading; FLL with VFP 9.0; Executing Assembler from VFP.
Visual FoxPro is a language that has obtained a place in my heart, when it comes to selecting a development tool. Might this be because I come from a past tradition of dBase III+, Clipper 5.x, Fox DOS and VFP? Really, I don't think so; I think it has conquered this place because it is a really noble tool, with an object model, inheritance, polymorphism and even a database engine, that can be envied by many languages.

But yet, there are times when I feel limited by VFP. One of these big limitations which I find is low-level management. For many, this might not be a problem, but more than one developer has, at some moment, encountered a challenge which can't be solved with Fox, and it is here that we use a DLL or an FLL. This is what we will try to do today.

In order to be able to develop this kind of library, we have to use VC++. In my case, I will use VC++ 7.0 in Spanish, but the same can be done, without any limitation, with VC++ 6.0, which I even prefer.

Some history

Since version 2.0, in the DOS environment, Fox has the possibilities of using PLB libraries, and in Windows, FLL libraries. With the aid of these libraries, the Fox can be powered to really high limits, up to the point where you can develop any kind of low-level routine which would otherwise be practically impossible to develop.


As an objective for this issue, I want to propose the following points, to complete the first part of the development of an FLL.

    Advanced development with an FLL:

    1. Accessing VFP data

    2. Executing VFP commands from a FLL

    3. MultiThreading

    4. FLL with VFP 9.0

    5. Executing Assembler from VFP

Advanced development with an FLL

I will assume that you have read the article in the previous issue, where I have explained all the concepts necessary to read this article. This is important, since in this article I will include lots of VC++ code, and I will take for granted quite a few things, with respect to understanding the construction of an FLL skeleton. For those who didn't read it yet, the article is available in the following link: Developing FLL libraries - Part one

Access to VFP data

One of the great advantages an FLL has over a DLL is the capacity of modifying data in native VFP tables or cursors, from C++ code. VFP provides several functions for this purpose, so that we can do this without major complexity.

Let's create a project called "FllWithData", whose only purpose shall be to fill a cursor, previously created in VFP, and save a value, in a field which we shall specify, with a specific value.

The code will look like this:

#include "pro_ext.h"

void FAR ProcessRecords(ParamBlk FAR *parm)
   int i, nAdd = 0;
   nAdd = parm->p[0].val.ev_long;

   for( i = 0; i < nAdd; i++ )
      _DBAppend(-1, 0);
      _DBReplace(&parm->p[1].loc, &parm->p[2].val);

FoxInfo myFoxInfo[] =
   {"ProcessRecords", (FPFI) ProcessRecords, 3, "NR,?"},
extern "C" {
FoxTable _FoxTable =
    (FoxTable *) 0, sizeof(myFoxInfo)/sizeof(FoxInfo), myFoxInfo

Which will be called from VFP like this:

SET LIBRARY TO "FllWithData.fll"
CREATE CURSOR Roberto ( MyField C(10) )
? ProcessRecords ( 9000000, @MyField,  "Hello" )

We can see how easy it is to implement, in C++, a function that generates data in native VFP cursors, thanks to the functions provided by VFP itself.

If we analize the function "ProcessRecords", we see that it calls two other basic functions, which are in charge of modifying the data in the cursors; the functions are _DBAppend and _DBReplace.

int _DBAppend(int workarea, int carryflag) int workarea;

This function inserts a new record into an open table, or into the work area specified by the parameter workarea.

Work area where the record should be inserted; if this parameter is -1, it represents the current work area.

This parameter can assume the following values:

1Copies the information from the previous record into the new record.
0Creates an empty record.
-1Uses the SET CARRY configuration to determine whether the information in the previous record should be copied to the new record.

Here we can see that it is quite easy to manipulate VFP data from an FLL, obtaining great performance, and easily doing things that, from Fox, would have been very difficult, or which, perhaps, we couldn't have done at all.

VFP provides a much greater set of functions than the ones we use in this example, which can be used to manipulate Fox data; for instance, locking a table, searching within a table, etc.

Executing VFP commands from an FLL

The FLL gives us another great feature, one that has no comparison in a DLL. This is the function called "_Execute", which allows us to execute, within C++ ocde, any VFP instruction, compiling and running it as if it were coded normally in a VFP code segment.

int _Execute(char FAR *stmt)

VFP code segment that we wish to execute.

I imagine that many of you will be asking yourself, what is the advantage of using this function within an FLL. Well, the answer to this question is simply "greater control". Where else can you see that a development tool allows you to create an add-on, that this is so integrated that it allows you to modify the tools environment; allows you to define variables in the tool that invoked it; and even allows you to run lines of code from the add-on, as if you were in the tool.

To illustrate this, we develop an example called "FllCommands".

#include "pro_ext.h"

void FAR GenCRC32(ParamBlk FAR *parm)
   long i, nLeng;

   nLeng = _DBRecCount(-1);
   for( i = 0; i < nLeng; i++ )
      _DBReplace(&parm->p[0].loc, &parm->p[1].val);
      _Execute("FunCalcCRC32()"); // VFP function of the PRG FuncCalcCRC32.prg



FoxInfo myFoxInfo[] =
   {"GenCRC32", (FPFI) GenCRC32, 2, "R,?"},
extern "C" {
FoxTable _FoxTable =
    (FoxTable *) 0, sizeof(myFoxInfo)/sizeof(FoxInfo), myFoxInfo

Function in VFP:

   REPLACE CRC32 WITH SYS(2007, Data, 1)

Call from VFP:

SET LIBRARY TO "FLLCommands.fll"
CREATE CURSOR Roberto( Data C(10), CRC32 C(20) )
? GenCRC32( @Data, "Hello" )

Here we can see how, from VFP, we can call a function located within an FLL, this function processes our data (in our case, it only saves), and then calls another function located in VFP, compiled within a PRG.

This really increases our options, a lot.


If there is something that really thrills me when I develop a system, or part of a system, it is the performance which I give it. Parallelism really helps a lot for this purpose, especially when there is a routine that has to be executed "n" times for different data sets. In this case, VC++ is appropriate to carry out this kind of task, since it interacts directly with the OS to ask it to run threads, and associate them to a parent process (the process that created it). These threads are in charge of executing a copy of the routine several times, but these will process a different data set in each case.

Nowadays there are really powerful servers that have 6 or more processors, and I really believe that it is a waste not to make use of them. Without going so far as to think of a server, we can consider that today there are hardware companies that sell, as a desktop PC, machines which are capable of running two operations at the same time, with a single processor.


Figure 1: Process distribution with different processors

What the OS does to be able to execute two operations at the same time is that every time a task (Application, Thread, etc.) is run, it is assigned to a different processor. Then, in case it has to execute only two applications, each of them will be executing on a different processor, and it will seem to the applications as if they were executing all by themselves.

This is a very simplistic explanation of how the OS distributes the load among the processors; sometimes the OS doesn't have more than one processor available to distribute the load; as in the usual case that only a single processor is available. In this case, the OS does time-sharing.

That is to say, the OS lends the processor to one application for a certain time, then it takes it away and lends it to another application that is waiting for it.

In order to do this, the OS provides us with an API function called "CreateThread". What this does is create a thread and assign it to the process that created it. This function has the following declaration in C++:

HANDLE CreateThread(
  LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, // SD
  SIZE_T dwStackSize,                       // initial stack size
  LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress,    // thread function
  LPVOID lpParameter,                       // thread argument
  DWORD dwCreationFlags,                    // creation option
  LPDWORD lpThreadId                        // thread identifier
These are the security attributes given to the thread.

This is the initial size of the stack, in bytes. This parameter can be NULL; if it is, it will assume the default value for the executable.

Pointer to the function that contains the routine which you want to execute.

Specifies a single parameter that will be passed to the thread.

This parameter specifies the creation mode of the thread, Active, Suspended, etc.

Pointer to a variable that will receive the ID of the thread created.

Calling this function from VC, we are already parallelizing a running routine, at the same time, but with two different data sets.

However, if we want to improve our function, this is not enough; so far, our FLL function starts its life cycle executing the API function CreateThread, and after executing it, it returns to VFP, so that the threads created work asynchronously, and VFP never finds out when the job is finished. In order to know when the threads have really finished their job, we have to wait after creating them. For this purpose, we need three more API functions: WaitForMultipleObjects, CreateEvent and SetEvent.

WaitForMultipleObjects waits until it receives certain events from a specific set of threads. CreateEvent will create events which will be executed. And SetEvent will set or execute the events. The declarations of these functions in VC++ are as follows:

DWORD WaitForMultipleObjects(
  DWORD nCount,             // number of handles in array
  CONST HANDLE *lpHandles,  // object-handle array
  BOOL bWaitAll,            // wait option
  DWORD dwMilliseconds      // time-out interval
Specifies the number of threads which the function will be waiting form. This number can't be greater than the constant MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS.

Pointer to the array of objects you want to wait for.

Specifies the type of wait desired. If this parameter is TRUE, the function returns when all objects specified in the parameter lpHandles are set. If it is FALSE, it returns when the first object of the array lpHandles is set.

Specifies the maximum waiting time, in milliseconds. If this parameter is INFINITE, the function will continue waiting for all the objects, depending on the setting of parameter bWaitAll.

HANDLE CreateEvent(
  LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, // SD
  BOOL bManualReset,                       // reset type
  BOOL bInitialState,                      // initial state
  LPCTSTR lpName                           // object name
Pointer to the structure LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES that specifies the security of the event. If the parameter is NULL, the event will assume the default security.

Specifies if the event is reset manually by the program, or automatically by the OS.

Specifies the initial state of the event. If it is TRUE, the initial state is assigned; otherwise, the event is created as not assigned.

Specifies the name of the event created. This name must not exceed the constant MAX_PATH. If this parameter is NULL, the event will be created without a name.

BOOL SetEvent(
  HANDLE hEvent   // handle to event
Handle of the event that you want to mark as specified. This handle should have been created with the functions CreateEvent or OpenEvent.

With these functions provided by the OS, we are now ready to create a function that will be called from VFP and that parallelizes the work.

For this experiment, we will just do a very simple "Wait Window", which only will do a FOR to show the message.

In this example, the "Wait Window" will appear over the main VFP window; it will be drawn directly on it, without VFP finding this out, leaving a diagram similar to the following:

Figure 2: FllMultiThread

The code in the library will be like this:

#include "pro_ext.h"

typedef struct stParam{
   HANDLE   hEvent;
   int      iFor;
   int      iSleep;
   int      nPos;
   HWND   vfpHWND;

DWORD WINAPI ThreadDrawing( LPVOID lpParam )
   stParam *ptParam = (stParam*)lpParam;
   char sMsg[256];
   RECT rtRect;

   HDC hdcVFP = GetWindowDC( ptParam->vfpHWND );

   rtRect.left   = 20;
   rtRect.right  = 270;
   rtRect.top    = 140;
   rtRect.bottom = 160;

   if( ptParam->nPos == 1 )
      rtRect.top    += 25;
      rtRect.bottom += 25;

   // Save Screen
   DWORD dwScreen[250][160];

   for( int sx = rtRect.left; sx < rtRect.right; sx++ )
      for( int sy = rtRect.top; sy < rtRect.bottom; sy++ )
         dwScreen[sx-rtRect.left][sy-rtRect.top] = GetPixel( hdcVFP, sx, sy );

   HBRUSH hbrBkgnd = CreateSolidBrush( RGB(236,233,216) );
   int nBkMode = GetBkMode( hdcVFP );
   SetBkMode( hdcVFP, TRANSPARENT );

   int nOldSize = 0, nSize = 0;
   for( int i = 0;i < ptParam->iFor; i++ )
      sprintf( sMsg, "I am in Thread:%6d - %i de %i", GetCurrentThreadId(), i+1, ptParam->iFor );

      HGDIOBJ h = SelectObject( hdcVFP, hbrBkgnd );
      Rectangle( hdcVFP, rtRect.left, rtRect.top, rtRect.right, rtRect.bottom);
      SelectObject( hdcVFP, h );

      DrawText( hdcVFP, sMsg, (int)strlen( sMsg ), &rtRect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER );

   // Restore Screen
   for( int sx = rtRect.left; sx < rtRect.right; sx++ )
      for( int sy = rtRect.top; sy < rtRect.bottom; sy++ )
         SetPixel( hdcVFP, sx, sy, dwScreen[sx-rtRect.left][sy-rtRect.top] );

   SetEvent( ptParam->hEvent );
   DeleteObject( hbrBkgnd );
   SetBkMode( hdcVFP, nBkMode );
   return 0;

void FAR DrawInVFP(ParamBlk FAR *parm)
   HANDLE hObjThreads[2];
   DWORD dwThreadId;
   stParam ParamThread[2];
   HWND hWnd;
   int iFor  = parm->p[0].val.ev_long;
   int iSeep = parm->p[1].val.ev_long;
   int i;

   hWnd = _WhToHwnd( _WMainWindow() );
   for( i = 0; i < 2; i ++ )
      ParamThread[i].hEvent  = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
      ParamThread[i].iFor    = iFor;
      ParamThread[i].iSleep  = iSeep;
      ParamThread[i].nPos    = i;
      ParamThread[i].vfpHWND = hWnd;
      hObjThreads[i]         = ParamThread[i].hEvent;
         NULL,                        // no security attributes
         0,                           // use default stack size
         ThreadDrawing,               // thread function
         (LPVOID)&ParamThread[i],     // argument to thread function
         0,                           // use default creation flags
         &dwThreadId);                // returns the thread identifier

   WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, hObjThreads, TRUE, INFINITE );



FoxInfo myFoxInfo[] =
    {"DrawInVFP", (FPFI) DrawInVFP, 2, "NN"},
extern "C" {
FoxTable _FoxTable =
    (FoxTable *) 0, sizeof(myFoxInfo)/sizeof(FoxInfo), myFoxInfo

What this library does is export a function called DrawInVFP, which receives two parameters. The first one is the number of repetitions which the FOR will do in the function, and the second is the time interval which the function should wait without doing anything, in the intervals between one message refresh and the next.

Then, when the function is invoked, it creates two threads in the OS, and then, at the same time, it starts to draw a message on the VFP screen.

The VFP code would be as follows:

Figure 3: Result of executing the library FllMultiThread

SET LIBRARY TO "FllMultiThread.fll"

Figure 3 shows what the library would show.

The possibility of parallelizing a task is really a tool that can help us drastically reduce processing time, if used adequately. The processes also have some other features, for instance:

  • Execution in a process can be suspended.
  • You can define a priority in the OS which goes from low to critical; acording to this priority, the OS will give a process greater or lesser importance.
  • The processes can exchange messages between them.

However, explaining these features would take much more than one article.

What you should remember when parallelizing a process is that on the one hand, you have a set of data to process, and on the other hand, a function, as autonomous as possible, capable of processing a subset of the data, without noticing that this data is only part of a greater whole.

If you manage to do this, you can reduce processing time drastically, for instance, in a salary system. On the one hand, you will have to obtain all the employees, in the company, which have to receive the salary, and on the other hand, you will have a function, within the library, capable of splitting these employees into small data subsets so that another library process can process them, without noticing that it is executing in parallel with other 20 copies of the same function, all running at the same time. ¿Don't you think the required time will be less?

FLL with VFP 9.0

When I had finished writing the first article about FLL with VFP, VFP 9.0 beta became public. I would really have liked to talk about new features in this new version of our fox, but simultaneously with the publication of the first part of my articles on FLL, Fábio Vazquez presented an article explaining new features. Here, I will only mention some of the features which he didn't name, and which have some impact in the development of FLLs.

VFP beta 9.0 supports the creation of arrays of more than 65,000 elements. This directly impacts the development of an FLL, since the files Pro_Ext.h and WinAPIMS.lib change, to be able to give support to this new limit.

The differences between the two .H files are the following:

Previous VFP version

typedef long MENUID;        // A Menu id.

VFP 9.0 beta

   typedef long MENUID;     // A Menu id.

Previous VFP version

typedef struct {
   char     l_type;
   short    l_where,        /* Database number or -1 for memory     */
            l_NTI,          /* Variable name table offset           */
            l_offset,       /* Index into database                  */
            l_subs,         /* # subscripts specified 0 <= x <= 2   */
            l_sub1, l_sub2; /* subscript integral values            */
} Locator;

VFP 9.0 beta

typedef struct {
   char     l_type;
   SHORT    l_where;        /* Database number or -1 for memory   */
   USHORT   l_NTI,          /* Variable name table offset         */
            l_offset,       /* Index into database                */
            l_subs,         /* # subscripts specified 0 <= x <= 2 */
            l_sub1, l_sub2; /* subscript integral values          */      
          // these are not changed to 4 bytes so FLL compatibility is maintained
} Locator;

As you can see, there is no significant change in the file, there is only support for the array within the .lib file.

I think it is not worthwhile to go into more details than this; I believe that for FLLs, this is the only change brought by the new beta version of VFP 9.0.

Executing Assembler from VFP

When we develop an FLL, we are not limited to coding C++ code. Here, we can be more ambitious and put assembler code into our FLL project.

For many, perhaps, Assembler is a dead language, but the truth is, I know nothing faster than it. You might say that C++ has made Assembler almost obsolete, since there is not much that you can do in C++ much easier than in Assembler. However, I repeat, it is still necessary for many things, and it is much faster.

Now, let's see how to code an example called "AdvancedFll", which will determine the speed of the CPU on which it is running, just with a few instructions in Assembler.

We will also use another function, that takes the value left by the OS in the Registry, to compare whether the velocity found by our function is correct. We will find, to our surprise, that our function, made in Assembler, is more accurate than the function provided by the OS.

#include "pro_ext.h"
 void FAR SpeedInRegistry(ParamBlk FAR *parm)
   char Buffer[_MAX_PATH], sMsg[MAX_PATH];
   DWORD BufSize = _MAX_PATH;
   HKEY hKey;

   long lError = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,

    if(lError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
      sprintf( sMsg, "N/A" );
      RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "~MHz", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &dwMHz, &BufSize);
      sprintf( sMsg, "%i", dwMHz );

void FAR SpeedTest(ParamBlk FAR *parm)
   __int64 BeginCycle = 0, EndCycle = 0;
   unsigned __int64 nCtr = 0, nFreq = 0, nCtrStop = 0;

    // Obtains the frequency per second
    if(QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *) &nFreq))
      // Obtains the value of the current counter
      QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *) &nCtrStop);

      // Add the counter to the frequency
      nCtrStop += nFreq;

            // Obtain the beginning of the cycle from the CPU clock
            _emit 0x0f
            _emit 0x31
            mov DWORD PTR BeginCycle, eax
            mov DWORD PTR [BeginCycle + 4], edx

            // retrieve the value of the performance counter
            // until 1 sec has gone by:
            // Waits for one second
            QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *) &nCtr);
         }while (nCtr < nCtrStop);

            // Obtains the CPU clock cycles again, but after one second
            _emit 0x0f
            _emit 0x31
            mov DWORD PTR EndCycle, eax
            mov DWORD PTR [EndCycle + 4], edx

   // EndCycle-BeginCycle is the speed in Hz,
   // which, divided by 1,000,000, is the speed in MHz.
   _RetFloat( ((float)EndCycle-(float)BeginCycle) / 1000000, 20, 8 );

FoxInfo myFoxInfo[] =
    {"SpeedInRegistry", (FPFI) SpeedInRegistry, 0, ""},
   {"SpeedTest", (FPFI) SpeedTest, 0, ""},
extern "C" {
FoxTable _FoxTable =
    (FoxTable *) 0, sizeof(myFoxInfo)/sizeof(FoxInfo), myFoxInfo

This is called from VFP as follows:

SET LIBRARY TO "AdvancedFll.fll"
?SpeedInRegistry()   && 1996
?SpeedTest()      && 1996.97867596

With this, we can see that the second function, "SpeedTest", is more precise than the first one, and it uses only four instructions in Assembler.

_emit 0x0f
_emit 0x31

mov DWORD PTR BeginCycle, eax
mov DWORD PTR [BeginCycle + 4], edx


I really hope that you liked this article, that you were entrapped while you read it, which is what happened to me the first time that I saw the possibilities that VFP gave me with FLL extensions.

The only negative point which I can see in this practice is the complexity of having to code in C++, but I believe that many are starting to get interested in learning the language, thanks to the widespread use of C#, which, although not identical, is quite similar.

Source Code

Roberto C. Ianni, Banco Hipotecario
Roberto Ianni (Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a professional software developer for the last 4 years. He has programmed in C++, VFP, VC++, C#, and has lots of experience in VFP and VC++. He currently works in the Banco Hipotecario as an Analyst-Developer.
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