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A class that builds an object for making cursor adapters
Rafael Copquin, April 1, 2006
This class is especially designed to build cursor adapters by simply passing a few parameters, such as table name, cursor name, cursor adapter object name, updatable or not, empty or not, complex or simple select statement.
This class is especially designed to build cursor adapters by simply passing a few parameters, such as table name, cursor name, cursor adapter object name, updatable or not, empty or not, complex or simple select statement.
Ever since Microsoft included the CursorAdapter Class in Visual FoxPro, we have been able to simplify and expand the use of views, obtaining many advantages, among which the possibility of adding methods and properties has been one of the most important.

And the fact of being able to handle in a simple and effective manner this class in a form's code or in a program, allows us to control with precision the whole behaviour of an updatable cursor and carry that code, from one place to the other, with no need to "meddle" with the database, something we cannot avoid if we are dealing with views.

When I realized the above, I began to use cursor adapters extensively in my applications, especially in the creation of relatively complex data entry screens, such as is the case with invoice making.

And when something becomes repetitive and its use is frequent, the ideal thing is to have an automatic means of creation and reuse.

For this reason I decided to create a class for generating an object that would allow me to build cursor adapters on the fly, sending but a few parameters and letting the object handle all necessary tasks for the generation of the cursor adapter I wanted.

This object is built from a class, which I called "dataobj", residing inside a class library called "myclasses.vcx".

What is needed to create a cursor adapter?

Even though it is necessary to initialize several properties to model the behaviour of a cursor generated by this class, we have to send at least the following data as a minimum, as parameters, so that the cursor adapter works.

  • Name of the cursor object to create
  • Name of the main table
  • Name of the cursor to generate
  • Primary key of the table
  • Whether or not it is updatable
  • Whether we want to bring data or we simply want an empty cursor
  • Complete Select-SQL statement
  • List of tables to get the data from (as per Select-SQL statement)

With the above elements, the class should have the necessary intelligence as to return the cursor we want.

Example of use of the data handling object which generates a cursor adapter

** we instantiate the class and the oData object is generated 
** we save the class in our class library, which should be within scope of the form
** the class is called "dataobj"
** we put the class in the general scope of our application, so it is available all the
** time, when we need it. We do this in the main program of our applicationset classlib
** to myclasses.vcx additive

set classlib to myclasses.vcx additive
In the init event of the form we put the following code:
if vartype(thisform.oData) = "O"
thisform.oData = NewObject("dataobj")  

** and when we need to generate the cursor, we use the following code in an adequate
** method of the form

Local oHeader
oHeader = CreateObject("custom")

use in Select("theheader")


** the adapter method in our class generates the cursor
 this.oData.adapter( @oHeader,;
		    .t.,;  && updatable cursor 
		    .t.)   && empty cursor (no records returned)

Catch To oException

    messagebox("Error message: " + oException.message)


The class

We need to instantiate the cursor adapter class and the object thus obtained should have its own separate name. This object is the "container" of the cursor, built from the properties and methods contained in the "CursorAdapter" class.

And we have to bear in mind that for each updatable cursor adapter we have to create a different object. In the invoice making with cursor adapters example published in this magazine in the March 2006 issue, I mentioned this. An object was built for the header of the invoice, another one for the details table, another one for handling the money tendered by the customer, yet another one for the stock movements, etc.

This is so because each cursor adapter is the result of one unique instantiation of the "CursorAdapter" class. This class generates one single cursor in each one of its instances. Therefore, if we need more than one updatable cursor, originated from different SQL select statements, we must instantiate a similar quantity of objects from the class.

It is necessary to pass to the object the names of the tables involved in the select SQL statement and, in addition, the name of the cursor to build.

If we are only generating a cursor from a single table and we want the cursor to be empty or to contain all records. it is not necessary to pass the SQL statement. We must put a method inside our object, so it builds the SQL statement by itself.

In the same way and because it is absolutely mandatory that the "cursorAdapter" class knows what is the primary key of the table from which the cursor will be generated, we shall have to create a method to obtain such primary key.

Let us therefore see the fundamental methods making up this class. (As every class should have builder and destroyer methods and a data handling method, I am including such methods without explanation, because they should be self explanatory to the reader. In addition, the class should have methods to open and close tables, also not explained here because they are very elementary)


cSch         = ""
cUnl         = ""
cUfl         = ""
cKeyField    = ""
cTheAlias    = ""
cTable       = ""
lOK          = .T.
cSavingTable = ""


Set Multilocks On

this.opendatabase()    && include a method to open the database


this.closealltables()  && method for closing tables
this.CloseDataBase()   && method for closing the database

(place your own error handling code here)

Lparameters toObject,tcTable,tcAlias,tlUpdatable,tlEmpty,tcSelectCmd,tcTableList

Local cSchema,cUfl,cUnl,lOK,cSelectCmd

lOK = .T.

this.cKeyField = This.getkeyfield( tcTable,tcAlias ) && gets the name of the key field  

* try to generate the cursor schema, analyzing the tables as per the SQL statement 


If Vartype(tcSelectCmd) = "C"       && use the Select statement if passed as a parameter
   cSelectCmd = tcSelectCmd
   This.OpenTable(tcTable,tcAlias)     && open the table and use an autogenerated select

Catch To oException

lOK = .F.
messagebox("Cursor "+tcAlias+" could not be generated"+Chr(13)+oException.Message)


If lOK = .F.

cUfl    = This.cUfl                        && updatable field list
cUnl    = This.cUnl      		   && update name list
cSchema = This.cSch			   && table schema

This.CloseTable(tcAlias)                   && close the cursor before building the CA

lOK = .T.


If Vartype( This.toObject ) = "O"

This.toObject = Createobject("cursoradapter")

Catch To oErrors

Messagebox("CursorAdapter object not generated"+;

lOK = .F.


If lOK = .F.

If lOK = .T.

If Vartype(tcSelectCmd) <> "C"   && if we do not pass our own select statement
   If tlEmpty = .T.
      ** build an empty cursor
      cSelectCmd = [select * from ] + tcTable + [ where 1 = 0 ]


      ** bring all records
      cSelectCmd = [select * from ] + tcTable 


      cSelectCmd = tcSelectCmd    && use the select statement passed as a parameter

With This.toObject
     .DataSourceType           = "NATIVE"
     .Alias 		       = tcAlias
     If Vartype(tcListaTablas) = "C" and Len(Alltrim(tcTableList)) > 0
       .Tables                 = tcTableList
       .Tables 		       = tcTable
     .BufferModeOverride       = 5
     .KeyFieldList             = this.cKeyField
     .SendUpdates 	       = tlUpdatable
     .SelectCmd 	       = cSelectCmd
     .UpdatableFieldList       = cUfl
     .UpdateNameList 	       = cUnl
     .CursorSchema             = cSchema

Select ( tcAlias )

Catch To oErrors
	Messagebox("Cursor "+tcAlias+" was not generated"+Chr(13)+oErrors.Message;
		lOK = .F.


Return lOK

Lparameters tcTable,tcSelectCmd,tcAlias

** builds the schema, the updatablefieldlist and the updatenamelist

Local cUnl,cSch,cUfl,cCmd
Local array aNC(1,1)

cSch      = ""                        && schema
cUnl      = ""                        && updatenamelist    
cUfl      = ""                        && updatablefieldlist      

If Len(Alltrim(tcSelectCmd)) > 0      && if Select-SQL is passed

   cCmd = tcSelectCmd + [ into cursor ] + tcAlias

   Catch to oError
       this.mensaje("Incorrect SQL statement")

   ** build the list of updatable fields from a temporary cursor
   ** generated with the SQL sentence we passed to it

   Select * from (tcTable) into cursor temporario where 1=0
   Select temporario
   AFields( aTemp,'temporario')
   Use in Select("temporario")
   For i = 1 to Alen(aTemp)/18
      cUnl = cUnl + aTemp(i,1)+" "+JustStem(tcTable)+"."+aTemp(i,1)+","
      cUfl = cUfl + aTemp(i,1)+","

** the schema is built from the CURSOR, NOT FROM THE TABLE

   Select (tcAlias)
   =Afields(aNC,tcAlias)       && build an array with all the fields from the CURSOR

   For i = 1 to Alen(aNC)/18
       cSch = cSch + aNC(i,1)+" "+aNC(i,2)
       Do case
	  Case InList(aNC(i,2),"C","D","L","M","I","T")
	       cSch = cSch + "(" +Transform(aNC(i,3)) +")"
	  Case aNC(i,2) = "N"
	       cSch = cSch + "(" +Transform(aNC(i,3))+","+Transform(aNC(i,4)) +")"
      cSch = cSch + ","


   Select (tcAlias)
   =Afields(aNC,tcAlias)       && build an array with all fields from the table

   For i = 1 to Alen(aNC)/18
       cSch = cSch + aNC(i,1)+" "+aNC(i,2)
       cUnl = cUnl + aNC(i,1)+" "+JustStem(tcTable)+"."+aNC(i,1)+","
       cUfl = cUfl + aNC(i,1)+","
       Do case
	  Case InList(aNC(i,2),"C","D","L","M","I","T")
	       cSch = cSch + "(" +Transform(aNC(i,3)) +")"
	  Case aNC(i,2) = "N"
	       cSch = cSch + "(" +Transform(aNC(i,3))+","+Transform(aNC(i,4)) +")"
       cSch = cSch + ","


** remove the comma remaining at the end

this.cSch = Substr(cSch,1,Len(Alltrim(cSch))-1)   && schema
this.cUnl = Substr(cUnl,1,Len(Alltrim(cUnl))-1)   && updatenamelist
this.cUfl = Substr(cUfl,1,Len(Alltrim(cUfl))-1)   && updatablefieldlist


Lparameters tcTable,tcAlias

Local cKeyField

this.opentable (tcTable,tcAlias)

Select (tcAlias)

For i = 1 to Tagcount()
    If Primary(i) or Candidate(i)
       cKeyField = Tag(i)

this.closetable (tcAlias)

Return cKeyField

Lparameters tcAlias

** uses tableupdate to commit the cursor adapters

Local cAlias
dimension aErrorArray(1)

cAlias = tcAlias

Select (cAlias)

this.lOK = TableUpdate(1,.t.,(cAlias))

If this.lOK = .f.

   =aError(aErrorArray)  && Data from most recent error

                    "Error Nbr: "+ Transform(aErrorArray(1))+Chr(13)+; 
		    "Table: "+this.cAlias +Chr(13)+Chr(13)+;
		    "Not saved" )

Return this.lOK



Analyze the code shown

The first thing to notice is that a series of parameters is being passed, (some of which are optional), that are fundamental for the functioning of the class. The optional parameters are the SQL statement and the list of tables within that statement.

If a SQL statement is not passed, the method generates its own, but only using the main table. This is very convenient when we want to build cursor adapters from a single table, to use in data entry forms for that table only.

Then we see the intention to obtain the key field, by means of a call to the GetKeyField method.The table is opened briefly, a scanning is made through all the tags and the primary key is found out, returning its name and closing the table immediately.

The next step is to generate the schema, by calling the MakeSchema method.

The end result is that this method will generate three properties which are necessary to obtain an updatable cursor:

UpdateNameList, UpdatableFieldList and Schema

If a SQL statement is not passed as a parameter, this method uses the table passed as tcTable and the alias, coming in through the tcAlias parameter. It builds a SQL statement containing all the fields from the table and, by a series of iterations it builds the strings with the appropriate data, which end up in the cUNL, cUFL and cSchema properties.

If, on the contrary, a special SQL statement is passed, adding fields not existing in the main table, as for instance in the following code snippet:

local cSelectCmd

cSelectCmd = [select customers.*, provinces.provname from customers ]
cSelectCmd = cSelectCmd + [ left outer join provinces on customers.provcode = provinces.code]
In this case, the "provname" field, belonging to the "provinces.dbf" table, does not exist in the main table ("customers.dbf"). Then the MakeSchema() method uses a cursor generated from such select statement to generate the cursor schema. But it creates a cursor from the main table to build the strings that will end up in the cUNL and CUFL properties. And all of this from the iterations shown in the code above. This is so, because if the opposite were true, when an update is attempted, the tableupdate will fail.

The buffermodeoverride property is set to 5 by default (optimistic table buffering). But the reader can choose to change this value with a special parameter. In my own experience, and following the opinion of several authors, there are no noticeable benefits from using some other buffering setting. And the value of 5 allows for the updating of many records with only one tableupdate command.

Let us now update the base table data

So far all the code analyzed allows us to build a cursor adapter. In order to end this article, we shall see how data is saved to disk. Please remember that one of the advantages of using cursor adapters is that they generate updatable cursors.This means that any change we make to the cursor will be reflected in the original table, after we issue the tableupdate() function.

The code in the Commit() method shows how to do that. We simply issue the tableupdate function on the cursor and, if the update is successful, the data are committed to disk. However, if the update fails, we catch the error in the aErrorArray array and we'll know what went wrong.


With this class we can build cursor adapters on the fly, with no need to write special code every time we need one. In situations in which we have to update several tables this becomes particularly important. With this class, we only send a few parameters and the cursors are built almost by themselves. I hope this small contribution makes life easier to the VFP community.

Rafael Copquin, Estudio Copquin
Public Accountant and Certified Internal Auditor; Fox programmer since 1987, starting with FPD and upgrading to VFP. Vast experience in conversions from FPD to VFP, specialized in business and accounting systems. Member of the Microsoft Users Group of Argentina's Board of Directors as Treasurer.
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