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08/04/2005 13:21:37
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Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
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Thanks a lot for helpful comments. I'm going to take a closer look, if this procedure calls could be minimized. Also I'm going to abandon oSession idea and go back to the original cleanup. oSession works, but it's an overkill for triggers.

>Well, GetKeyIndexExp() is also one of the things that can be done once
>As to the escape-thing, I handle that very simply. the runtime does not let you escape, IDE does and there I have a routine that rolls back if necessary after I have debugged it
>As I remember, the code from Doug showed a simple RI. It was not meant to be performant, only to show the basic techniques
>Also, keep in mind that debugging RI, cancelling RI routines, sometimes makes vfp go bezerk. You have to completely exit vfp and start all over
>>Hi Gregory,
>>Analyzing it right now with the help of Martin's Jindra Coverage Profiler utility. The most time is spent in GetKeyIndexExp routine, then follows aSessionEnvironment methods.
>>>hi Nadya,
>>>Which parts are slow ? Have you done a coverage profiler ?
>>>At first sight, (but you need to profile it first) I'd say that looping/scanning through the relation is something that is done many times where imo it should be done once
>>>There are a couple of ways to get around that
>>>(1) each time the RI is changed, update an internal free table.
>>>When a trigger fires you can use the CursorGetProp('SourceName')) and the trigger type to seek() and scan rest while.
>>>That will give you the routines you need to fire
>>>I told (wrote, this is) you I use a prebuilt array and work my way through it with eval(), which isn't slow
>>>(2) Perhaps even simpler is to generate a specific function for each table+triggertype
>>>Use (1) but build a cursor and generate the routines from the cursor
>>>function Customer_Update()
>>>    && you'll need this to debug, each time you select something else, you must reset it when you exit the routine
>>>    assert 'CUSTOMER' ==  CursorGetProp('SourceName')
>>>    local Success
>>>    Success = TRUE
>>>    do case
>>>    case !m.Success
>>>    case m.plError
>>>       Success = FALSE
>>>    case !Cascade_Update('Customer', 'Childx', 'bintoc(cust_id)', ..., ...)
>>>       Success = FALSE
>>>    case !Cascade_Update('Customer', 'Childy', 'bintoc(cust_id)', ..., ...)
>>>       Success = FALSE
>>>       .... etc
>>>    endcase
>>>    return m.Success and !m.plERror
>>>You'll end up writing your own ;-)
>>>>Hi everybody,
>>>>I was trying to use Steve Saywer's/Doug Henning's RI builder.
>>>The idea of using just one simple procedure instead of lots of multiple convoluted procedures is very appealing.
>>>I made bunch of modifications in Doug's code trying to optimize this procedure. Perhaps, I made it worse than before.
>>>The code originally used Select-SQL for restrict triggers (insert/update/delete). I switched to IndexSeek.
>>>The code also looped through array of relationships, I changed it slightly to use ASCAN.
>>>In my opinion these changes should have speed the procedure up. Anyway, comparing with the old native RI it seems to be much slower.
>>>I'm thinking that I may use KEYMATCH instead of INDEXSEEK. Would it make it run faster?
>>>Bellow is the code as I have right now. I would appreciate if you can point me to the problematic pieces.
>>>I also tried to incorporate Glen's idea of save/restore environment logic. However, it adds a layer of complexity, which is probably undesired...
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