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VFPConversion Seminar - May 9-10 - Dallas, TX
08/04/2005 19:27:10
08/04/2005 18:36:48
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I don't feel I've over reacted. I am highly offended by folks trying to determine what is good and bad for me to hear. Common sense tells me that racial comments or threats are not acceptable. But for someone to say that I should not be able to see a blurb about a training class is way over the line.


>Both you and Perry are out of line. You over reacted to a thread posting and Perry over reacted to your response. However, I don't see either of you conceding.
>Kevin is not activly trying to destroy anything. He's merely trying to fill a niche market he has noticed. The fact that he keeps putting on these conversion seminars indicates that there are attendees. I don't even think he put the post in the wrong place. I think it is exactly where it should be. He's looking for FOXPRO developers that are interested in .Net, so it would make sense that he make a post in a FOXPRO forum. I, for one, am glad that he did, as I do not frequent the .Net section of this forum. We work nearly exclusively in FoxPro. Trying to accomplish in .Net what we do in FoxPro daily would be very difficult to do. However, I am interested in the .Net movement and what it has to offer. Thanks to Kevin posting his conversion seminar here I now know about it and have signed up for his DevTeach pre-conference sminar. Actually thanks also to the bunch of over reacting people that keep posting to the topic which keeps it alive and right at the top.
>Thing is you get angry at Kevin for posting something where YOU deem he shouldn't and you blast him for it. Perry gets angry at YOU for posting what HE deems moronic. Perry then does the hypocritical thing and blasts YOU for it, in criticism of an action that is equal to what he is now doing. Now, YOU call him "rude, insulting, and ignorant" for an action that is equal to what you did in the first place (your response to Kevin's original post).
>In short, you have no right telling Kevin what he should do and Perry has no right telling you what you should do. If you disagree with the post being there the best thing you can do is not keep commenting on it. All that does is keep it at the top.
>>Your rude, insulting, and arrogant comments do nothing to advance your argument. They say much more about you than me. Offering and taking .NET training is fine, it's the way they have been acting like vultures circling a not dead, but vibrant language that has irritated people. You say people are moving to more modern languages, then immediately give VFP to VB conversion projects over the last 7 years as an example. Well, explain to me how VB, which has only become object oriented in the last 2 years, is more modern than VFP, which has been OO for the past 8 or 9 years? And, as I said, Kevin's verbal trashing of VFP at VFP conventions during a presentation has not been received well.
>>Now, can I expect more pointless insults or can you state your argument without them?
>>>What a moron!!!!!!
>>>Personally I'm offended by folks with under 50 IQs posting on this forum.
>>>Possibly in Fayetteville, there's not a resonable size IT community for you to see. So let me describe what's occuring in the rest of the world for you. Foxpro usage has been on a download spiral for many years. This spiral has not been caused by Kevin, Marcus, etc. It's been caused by companies moving on to more modern languages, end of story.
>>>For at least the last 7 years a very large percentage of posted VFP jobs, are for conversion projects. First from VFP to VB. Now from VFP to .Net.
>>>This being the case what problem do you have with people getting training so they can fill those job requirements?????

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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