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A well spent 2 cents! That is how I feel about this topic. The purpose of this forum is to help each other. It is essential to share experiences and knowledge unless you want to work with a “cubical mentality”. There is a big world out there and it is good to know that others want to share what they know and observe. Thank you for your comments!

Tom – in “Lovely Silicon Valley”

P.S. I am using Dot NET and C# as that is what my job requires. I also use VFP but not as often as I would like. My employer sets the rules! :)

>You keep mentioning the folks 'who know ten cents more than the next guy', but here
>at my office, we're a VFP shop who's decided to move to C#.Net & SQL, for a variety
>of reasons. We are all going to be cross trained on C#, but in the interim, be hired
>a C#.Net developer. He has the experience that we lack in the tool, and it's nice to
>have someone on board who knows it. I don't see where this means VFP is dead. And I
>don't think it means we're contributing to that notion.
>I do have to agree that posts placed in a VFP forum advocating leaving VFP for .Net
>are misplaced, but advertisments are not, IMHO, because there are plenty of developers
>who are at a crossroads as far as their career, and if they should decide to go with
>.Net, its nice to know you can come here and get pointed in the right direction on
>Just my 2 cents
>>>But what do you have against .net?
>>I have nothing against NOT - it bothers me that on a VFP board, advertisers who maybe know ten cents more than their target audience, stage phoney threads that VFP development is dead and offering to save our souls with seminars and conversion strategies to a development tool as if they are the only source of real expertise. I would say there are shops with a lot more experience in NOT than those trolling the threads here at UT. Last Year they were the VFP to VB experts, the year before that they were the VFP to SQL experts. All MS has to do is flash a product logo - and in less than the time it takes to google a whitepaper, almost magically, the experts crawl out of the wood work with one more nail to drive in VFP's coffin.
>>Give me a break - we're all experts - we can make our own decisions - and just because someone owes MS for the shrimp cocktail - it is in bad taste to tell the VFP community they're too stupid to figure out what to do. And it's too funny to hear self proclaimed VFP experts brag they had to hire out of house to figure something out. Either they're not experts - otr they are using a definition unfamiliar to me.
>>Horse Raddish!
>>We're all trying to stay afloat - and UT threads ripe with the death throes of VFP, even as rediculous as they sometimes are, will not help anybody, especially those of us relying on VFP's good name to advance our careers.
>>It bothers me that self proclaimed software developers brag about the fact they can't solve a problem, so they went with the guys that know ten cents more (at least that is the impression they leave), and; as they fanfare their failures; they hint the reason they failed is VFP.
>>Anybody on this board can learn NOT. You don't need middleman - you don't need to foolishly hand over your jobs to an out of house team - who really only knows ten cents more than the next guy.
>>There are dedicated people on this board. Some have achieved status in the community - usually through articles - or vertical interfaces - but that doesn't mean they are better in a given situation than the rest of us.
>>I don't mind advertising - I subscribe to a VFP board - and I do mind bandwagoneering for a particular development tool whereby the advertising trashes VFP.
>>I've sat through marquee presentations - they were good - they were helpful (sometimes) but they were not anymore exceptional than responses I have received on this board. They were just as likely to walk through a scheme that was bloated and inefficient as they were to demonstrate something helpful and useful. They were just as likey to talk out the side of their mouth as they were to give the straight scoop. Bottom line - they are just as limited (or just as resourceful) as anyone on this board!
>>I might do some stuff in NOT - but it's no big deal - you'd think from the testimonials blown at us here that those poor victims of the VFP paradigm were one step from the abyss - until - ta-da-daaaaaa - they saw the light for only 200$/Hr.
>>I might use NOT in a project - but Sheeessszzzzz .....
>>IS there anything I missed?

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