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Fight against AIDS
18/05/2005 15:38:22
18/05/2005 15:14:39
Dragan Nedeljkovich
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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>> I would prefer to see that money in my pocket and let me continue to pay for my health insurance and choose my doctors.
>It's the same, it's just that money isn't in your pocket. When you're doing fine, you're paying for others; when you get it bad, the others are paying for you - and the total cost of your care is not your concern. You know you will be taken care of. It's a principle of solidarity and common good we're talking about, not politics.

No, that is not the same at all. Solidarity and common good are not in our constitution. I'm not willing to vote for a welfare state and that is what it is. Besides, it could very well end up like social security. I have been paying social security since I was 16. I may or may not see any payout from it during my lifetime. Giving out more money for someone else to control is just plain stupid. I might as well just give it to someone on the street. There is no guarantee that the money will go for medical care. Whose to say that the whole system won't go bust in 10 years because the government put it all in the 'one fund' again and spent it on something entirely different? I will not voluntarily give more money in taxes until more accountability is involved in our tax dollars. Congress can pretty much use your tax dollars for whatever it wants at this stage. They have to account for it but they don't have to ask for approval first.

If it is required to give free medical care then why not free housing? How much should come out of my paycheck for that? Who gets the better houses and who gets the section 8 housing? Do we all live in crackerbox houses so it is fair? What about food and water? Should we all pay $ in taxes towards food and then receive monthly food stamps to purchase our food with or maybe the government should hand out bread and cheese and milk, etc to every citizen at every corner? Does the government decide what my diet should be now and provide the food for me? What about jobs? Should everyone get a job provided by the government then? What about transportation to/from work? Do we provide transportation too? Where does it stop? Why should I even bother to work and succeed if the government provides it all for me? If you take my paycheck and share it with others than it becomes common funds. Socialism can morph into communism pretty easily.

Once again, thank goodness the U.S. has not sunken that low yet. Everyday we lose more individual freedoms. This country was founded on the belief of 'individual freedom' and individual rights. I don't want the government deciding what medical care I should or can have or is necessary.

>And the health system isn't about taking from the rich and giving to the poor - it's just insurance. And the cost of care shouldn't depend on how rich is the patient... last time I checked, they both had the same set of organs, and bled when cut just the same. Basic health should be available to all. Again, if you wanted a large TV and singing nurses, you could pay extra. But you'd get the same antibiotics at the same price.

So, if my neighbor gets sick and he cannot afford to pay for his medical care, instead of him paying it off a little bit at a time throughout his lifetime (which is available now without health insurance) I should pay for it? I don't think so. I will never agree to it. If the government wants to provide free medical care than they can pay for it out of the taxes we already pay and stop giving money to foreign governments and internal rebellions.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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