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I DO live in the USA, right?
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Being a Math tutor, here is what I got from my friend:
From the desk of Steven Wolf:
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 16:53:19 -0700
From: "Steven Wolf"
Subject: [ExIngres] al-Gebra

At New York's Kennedy Airport today, a public school teacher was
arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a
protractor, a slide rule, and a calculator.

At a press conference later, Attorney General John Ashcroft said
he believes the man is a member of the notorious al-Gebra
movement. He is being charged by the FBI with carrying Weapons
of Math Instruction.

"Al-Gebra is a fearsome cult," Ashcroft said. "They desire average
solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on
tangents in a search of absolute value. They use secret code names
like 'x' and 'y' and refer to themselves as 'unknowns', but we have
determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of
medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer
Isosceles used to say, 'there are 3 sides to every triangle'."

When asked to comment on the arrest, President Bush said, "If God
had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would
have given us more fingers and toes."

Though afraid, I still continue Math tutoring in my spare time.

>Warm fuzzy perceptions are important to some folks. Then when reality hits you between the eyes – wow! Like they say, “Ignorance is bliss”!
>How many reports have been created indicating that our country is not secure? Too many and from people who do not yell, “The sky is falling”!
>Homeland Security, Patriot Act, etc. Removing and reducing constitutional rights. The country remains at an elevated risk, Code Yellow, for terrorist attack according to Homeland Security.
>We complain to Syria that they are not protecting their border and look at the borders of the United States? “Don’t do what I do, do what I say”!
>>I never said we provoked them.
>>But the truth be known, the Bush clan has done NOTHING to prevent more
>>attacks. Report after Report has come out in the last 3 years stating
>>that security is no better now that it was then, and that another
>>major attack is imminent.
>>Add to that a completely unjustified invasion of an arab country. Why
>>wouldn't they attack us?
>>And you fell safer.
>>>Yeah, we really must have provoked them something fierce late summer of 2001 or they wouldn't have attacked. Oh, wait, the war started after that, didn't it. Sorry, my mistake.
>>>>You feel safer? I'm scared to death. The world hates us and
>>>>has more reason now than ever to attack us.
>>>>>It is almost cute that you think that any of them are any good; republicans or democrats. They are a necessary part of life in these United States. We vindicate one's actions at the expense of another's. The only thing that has really made a difference to me is that I do feel safer for those I care for under the current administration. I don't believe that the democrats offered anything tangible in the way of domestic security. If they had, I might have gone the other way.
>>>>>>"First the Republicans fought Clinton for 8 years "
>>>>>>HUH? You call what they did to Clinton 'fighting'?? They were ruthless
>>>>>>in their dogged pursuit of Clinton - and for nothing.
>>>>>>They spent millions of taxpayer dollars investigating Whitewater
>>>>>>and found NOTHING.
>>>>>>They spent millions of taxpayer dollars investigating Clinton in the
>>>>>>Monica-gate thing. And after all was said and done, they impeached
>>>>>>the President of the United States for lying in a civil trial. And during
>>>>>>this whole trial, major GOP leaders were just as involved in immoral
>>>>>>relationships. Yet no one spent one red cent going after them. This was an
>>>>>>absolutly unjustified witch hunt.
>>>>>>When Clinton was in office, the world body respected us, we had a strong
>>>>>>economy, and life was good. No we have upsurd gas prices, electrical costs
>>>>>>are sky high, the worl hates us, we are stuck in another unwinnable war,
>>>>>>and the economy is in the toilet. And all Bush can come up with is tax cuts
>>>>>>for those already too rich.
>>>>>>The Democrats may not have a suitable candidate right now, but honestly,
>>>>>>Gore or Kerry were far better than the lying, cheating, manipulating
>>>>>>and scandleous Supreme Court Appointed Temporary Resident of the White
>>>>>>House we have there now.
>>>>>>I find the GOP to be to most hypocritical group I've ever seen.
>>>>>>>Now I understand why the Democrats have done little or nothing for all too many years! They want to see how far the Republicans will take things without attempting to take responsibility for anything. Let the country go to the dogs and then in 2008 miraculously the Democrats will spring to life, find an outstanding presidential candidate and save not only the nation but the world!
>>>>>>>In reality, I find the actions of both major political parties for the last 12 years to be disgusting. First the Republicans fought Clinton for 8 years and now the Democrats fight Bush. The people represented by these fine politicians are not being served. Neither major party seems to be concerned with the nation. It is about power. How can you get anything done if you are always fighting for power?
>>>>>>>Let’s get back to the good old days of political corruption, pork barreling, and the good old boys. Concentrate on what has made America strong! Every dog for himself! :)

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