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>Who are the masses, Jim. Do I count as one of the masses? What about Jim B and John P. Do they count? We all have a different opinion. I know that MS, for a fact, *does* listen to user requests. Just because I didn't get all my requests doesn't mean I wasn't listened to.

Well, in my review of the "Wish List" here on UT I couldn't count 3 items which were noted as implemented in VFP 6 in reports to date. That list was representative of "the masses" for me.
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>OK, and you can't do that now? I can think of a way to do that right now. In 5 it would be a bit kludgy. In 6 it is less so. In 6.x, with more ADO improvements, it will be even less so. But you can do it.
>Jim, what would you like to do (a concrete example) that you can't?
Here's a summary: I wanted, early into VFP 5. and its touted Automation Server support, to build an app where several (say 20 - 100) VFP client machines would use a VFP "server" to obtain/update data. It was to be 2-tiered, modelled on 3-tier. So I set about finding out how many clients could be supported in such a scheme with REASONABLE response. It came to light that one client would have to complete before another could be handled. This projected out to VERY slow (unuseable) service). Still further, I found that I couldn't pass records/cursors back/forth. So, says I, maybe I can manage arrays. Foiled again - no array support between VFP client/Server. So I gave up. And I wrote a Wish List to MS. And I got a positive response. So i bided my time. I continue to bide.
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>I hear this. I don't think that expectation is reasonable any more. Software requirements are getting much too complex for that. Would you want MS to include all of Word in VFP (and vice versa?)
No, of course not. And I'll assume you are deliberately being silly here. I just want a simple and logical extension of VFP. Something quite minor in the overall scheme of things, but with VERY high impact vis-a-vis the future applicability of VFP.
>>By the way, I looked up ADO in VFP 5.x Help and came up dry. I wonder why???
>OK, I'll bite. Why?
Nothing, other than many have said that ADO is supported in VFP 5. I expected to find something in Help if that were the case. *IF* people have been directing me to ADO and I find out that ADO is more 'unofficial' than "official", then I will be most disappointed indeed. Is ADO packaged as a product?? Is ADO sold, or is it supplied to us out of the goodness of MS' heart? If philanthropic, should anyone really be writing production apps using it??? Would I expect to find it within the next Visual Studio release?
Taht's all


Jim N

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