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HELP needs HELP!!!
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Thanks, but that is the first item mentioned in the reference that I cited. I did look at it briefly, and found it not terribly helpful, since it describes a number of symptoms and scenarios that don't seem to apply. I can open the HTML Help file and use it, but the first time I close such an opening it generates a Windows error dialog, and Help then ceases to work until I reboot. Also I don't think I've installed the security update to which they refer, although it's hard to be sure about this. Still, it's possible there may be a connection between some of the items (e.g. registry settings) mentioned in Q896358 and the problems I'm experiencing.

With the level of information provided in this KB article, it's sort of a fishing expedition, and one is further discouraged by their frequent suggestions to investigate alternatives to HTML Help. Are we supposed to go back to the old-style Windows Help, then? Is this a new, vague complication that must be introduced in every setup of a VFP application that uses HTML Help? I'm still looking for a satisfactory answer to these questions.


Update: I see that more is emerging on this subject at news:microsoft.public.fox.programmer.exchange right now.

>See if http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=896358 helps.
>>Hi Tommy,
>>Funny you should mention this, but I've been having problems with HTML Help, only fairly recently. I suspect this may be related to a Windows Update, since there have been no other changes or signs of other problems, such as file or registry damage.
>>The particular problem I'm seeing is that I get an error when I close a HTML Help window launched via VFP's context-sensitive help mechanism in my application. No such problem with VFP's own context-sensitive help under the VFP Dev. Sys., however. I'm running a VFP6SP5 application on XP Pro SP1 + Windows Updates as of 3/27/05.
>>I noticed this blog entry just today, further reinforcing my sense that these problems are related to Windows Update:
>>Epic Trends - The latest security update from Microsoft interferes with HTML Help - June 20, 2005
>>Here are some more details from Microsoft's friendly error dialog, with the usual offer to send this report into the void:
>>Error Signature
>>AppName: foxhhelp.exe AppVer: 6.0.8161.0 ModName: ntdll.dll
>>ModVer: 5.1.2600.1217 Offset: 00033aed
>>I'd be very interested to know if anyone is running into the particular set of symptoms I've described, or to hear any suggestions about how to fix these problems. I haven't yet studied the preceding reference, nor have I decided what further steps to take. To reiterate your message, Help!!!

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