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Asp, impersonated user -- is it necessary?
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the IWAN etc users shouldn't have passwords so no problems there. could you post your code that you are trying to get the information with.
wayne and ric both responded to a Q i put up about getting information from a directory when the route was not known. see below, it may help. i have this in an asp page called connection.asp and include that at the top of all the pages that need to access data.
Dim objConn, ConnStr
Dim dbLoc
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
ConnStr= "Driver=Microsoft Visual Foxpro Driver; " + _
"UID=;SourceType=DBC;SourceDB=" + dbLoc
objConn.Open ConnStr

>Hi Wayne,
>UNC it in. However I still cannot get the business object that the Active Server Page instantiates to access the data table on the other computer. Perhaps I am missing something so out there in left field that I really should be reviewing some of the basic materials written on the subject. Please refer me to a paper written on setting up Actice Server Page data access for vfp data tables that do not reside on the web server.
>Thanx as always,
>BTW -- does it matter that IUSR_ both on the web server and the data server don't have passwords?
>>Use the unc path to the data directory instead of a mapped drive.
>>>Hi Wayne,
>>>Please allow me to update you on my progress.
>>>The web server's machine name is myserver. The data server's machine name is compact. I set up an IUSR_myserver user on compact and gave it administrator perms for now. I mapped Y on myserver to c:\ecentric on compact. The asp app still cannot gain access to the data files. BTW... I gave iusr_myserver full control of ecentric on compact. Is it possible I cannot use letter drives in this situation and should investigate using \\compact\ecentric instead of just Y:
>>>Any thoughts?
>>>>Your asp application runs under the IUSR_??? account. You need to give that user access to the data on the other server.
>>>>>I have been supporting classic asp web application where the vfp data tables reside on the web server that is hosting the active server pages. I have a mtdll com object instantiated on an ASP that reads a field in a local vfp table that defines the path to rest of the local data tables. As long as the data tables reside on the web server everything works well. I recently had to migrate the data tables to a seperate data file server. The web server and the data file server are both running windows xp. I updated the table that the mtdll com object queries to reflect the *new* path to the data (ie: now on the file server). That's the problem. The active server page that instantiates the com object throws an error when I attempt to read the data on the new file server. I opened a share on the file server for the directory above of the data directory. I have mapped to the new file server in 2 different ways but both fail to work.
>>>>>The file server's machine name is COMPACT. From the web server I can verify the connection to the directory above the data directory by typing \\COMPACT\ECENTRIC in the RUN... textbox. I can then browse all of the directories, including the data directory. I also mapped the web server's "W" drive to the directory above the data directory and can browse all of the directories that I need the ASP to access. But when I attempt to have the ASP use the map or the share to the data I run into trouble.
>>>>>In an different ASP.NET application, on the same web server, I use IMPERSONATION to accomplish the exact same thing and that works just fine. Do I have to set up impersonation for my classic ASP application? If so, how does one do that. Or..... is it a different fix for classic ASP?
Go raibh maith agat


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