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VFP8 Reports crash in VFP9
26/06/2005 06:16:31
General information
Visual FoxPro
Reports & Report designer
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
Visual FoxPro
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Hi Bernard,

The LINKS.FRX takes a long time to open because it has Printer Environment saved with it. It takes longer in the office because VFP9 searches your whole network for the printer stored in the report.

In reletation to "Hyperlink your Reports" article. When you're implementing somebode's code, it's a good idea to understand how the code works, in order to implement it correctly. The article shows how it can be done. It comes with the source code so you can make adjustments if you don't like the result.
* HyperlinkListener.prg
			lcURL  = .aRecords[recno('FRX')]
			IF not empty(lcURL)
				tnTop = tnTop - 18
			lcInfo = dodefault(tnLeft, tnTop, tnWidth, tnHeight, ;
*			lcURL  = .aRecords[recno('FRX')]
>I will send you the report Monday / Tuesday as it is on the office computer. The same report on my home computer opened no problems. But at office, I get a C0000094 in VFP9 both modifying the report as well as trying to run it. In VFP8 it opens instantly.
>On a similar note, at home too I have both VFP8 & 9 installed. The sample reports that come with the article - "Hyperlink your Reports" too cause problems.
>The first report LINKS.FRX takes forever to open. Eventually it does open. The other reports open no problem.
>I fooled around with the reports and screens in VFP9 that use the Report Listner supplied with the article.
>One thing I noticed. When creating a report that I want to add Hyperlinks as described in the article (adding *URL= in the user field), I found that if I add ALL fields and then add the user code in field 1 for Hyperlinks, the output comes out with NO Hyperlinks. If I add just 1 field and then add the user field BEFORE adding other fields, then I get Hyperlinks. This is so flaky it stinks. This happened to 3 reports before I twigged to it and after completely re doing the reports, they worked as they should.
>Also the verticle alignment in the field with the Hyperlink is way off. If I align all fields in the report, the Hyperlink field (in my case field1) comes up about 5 mm below the other fields. The only way I can get all fields to align is by setting the field1 top to 0 and the other fields to Top = 18. This brings up the HTML rendered file correctly aligned, but the report cannot be used as normal, without Hyperlinks, as the VFP Preview shows the actual position - Field 1 above and the others misaligned below. This stinks no end.
>I wonder what the problem is. Thing is that the code in the ReportListner base class is so convoluted that it is a real pain to step thru. I don'tknow what is causing this problem with Hyperlinks but it sure is a pain.

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