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Performance Issue At Client Question
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Microsoft SQL Server
Stored procedures, Triggers, UDFs
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Sounds to me like the network infrastructure - what type of connection are you working with at your office compared to their office? How much data is being returned?

It could also be the local computer at the site - is there adequate ram, processor, temporary storage, etc? What type of computer is it?

Have you tried on several different computers? Is this a large network? Multiple switches, etc?

>I need help in understanding a performance issue question. The application is in VFP 8, I have a form that populates a list based off the results of running a stored procedure, the contents of the stored procedure is shown below. When run from within the application, it takes 6-7 seconds at the client site. This is way too long and on our server with their data from the application it is taking less than a second. I brought their data back since I thought it was a query problem, but it runs fine here. So I then logged into their server, opened up the QA and ran the stored procedure:
exec dbo.ct_lu_SurgeonList_WithConflictSearch
and it returned in less than 1 second. So now I'm wondering why SQL Server can return it so quick in QA, but not from within the application. I'd appreciate any idea's.
>CREATE PROCEDURE ct_lu_SurgeonList_WithConflictSearch
>@tiDept int,
>@ttStart datetime
>set nocount on
>SELECT t.lastname, t.firstname, t.coPerid,
>   /* This next line returns the room name
>      where the selected surgeon has a conflict */
>   (SELECT Top 1 dbo.corooms.roomname
>           FROM  dbo.meetings with (nolock) INNER JOIN
>                 dbo.meetproc with (nolock)  ON dbo.meetings.meetingnumber = dbo.meetproc.meetingnumber INNER JOIN
>                 dbo.corooms with (nolock) ON dbo.meetings.roomid = dbo.corooms.roomid
>           where @ttStart  between meetings.begintime and meetings.endtime
>  	   and meetproc.coperid=t.coPerID and isblock=0 and iscancelled=0) as RoomName,
>   isnull(t.isresident,0) as isResident,
>   isnull(t.issuspended,0) as isSuspended,
>   0 as NumCancelled,
>   0 as NumSched,
>   isnull((Select specdesc from dbo.coSpec with (nolock) where coSpec.specID=t.SpecID),' ') as specdesc
>FROM dbo.coPer t with (nolock)
>where EXISTS (select *
>              from dbo.coPerDept
>              WHERE dbo.coPerDept.deptid=@tiDept
>              AND dbo.coPerDept.coPerID=t.coperid)
>and t.isactive=1
>and t.perTypeID=1
>order by t.lastname, t.firstname
Wayne Myers, MCSD
Senior Consultant
Forte' Incorporated
"The only things you can take to heaven are those which you give away" Author Unknown

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