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First, let me state that morally I disagree with homosexuality, abortion
and same sex marriages.

Legally, thats a different story. The constitution provides everyone
the right to live their life as they choose, so long as it doesn't
interefer with anyone else's rights.

Who are the republicans to come in and say what someone can and cannot
do in the privacy of their own home?

Abortion is a tough issue no matter which way you slice it. A woman should
have the right to do what she wants with her body. But at the same time, an
embryo is another life. Should she have absolute control over the fetus
just because it's inside her? And what about the husband? In cases where there
is a husband, shouldn't he get a say in what happens to his child?

You stated "Anyone who supports a movement that tears away at the family..."
Who is to say what a 'family' is? I personnally beleve that marriage should be
between one man and one woman, but again, legally, it's a different issue.

I disagree with the republican camp's position on these issues. No one appointed
them the moral police, and no one has the right to take away someone else's
constituinal rights.

>>>>yeah, and the south shall rise again..... In Iraq.
>>>Maybe so...I just hope the USA can survive the liberal attacks on the family and what's morally right.
>>Can you defend that? What evidence do you have that liberals are anti-family and conservatives are pro family? Same goes for "morally right"?
>You're serious - right???
>Well let's see...would you consider the "Pro-Choice" movement a liberal one? What about the movement to allow homosexual marriages - liberal or not? Both of those are moral and family issues. We can just start there if you'd like.
>I'm not saying ALL Liberals are anti-family or that ALL Conservatives are pro-family - but - in general, I believe those are accurate depictions. I really don't care what labels we put on these people. Anyone who supports a movement that tears away at the family (Liberal or not) would be someone who I think is attacking the very foundation of our country and they need to be stopped.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
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