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>>>All morals go back to some standard. I believe that the Bible is the standard that has been and should be used to determine what is morally right. Anything that is done in accordance with the Bible I would consider morally right.
>>Whoa. That's your moral standard. Don't generalize.
>This is the standard I believe to be the one we should use. However, it's not mine - it's God's.
>>a) The Christian Bible applies to Christians. There are plenty of non-Christians who may not agree with you.
>The Christian Bible applies to EVERYONE - whether they accept it or not. If someone does not agree, they are indeed non-Christians.

You've got that right. Considering the billions of non-Christians in the world and the millions in the USA alone, then that wouldn't apply to them, right? You can believe in the Christian Bible all you want. No problem at all there. Just don't generalize and/or force it on everybody else.

>>b) Morality does not have to go through religion. IOW, you can be moral without religion.
>Tell me how that works. You might need to define "religion" in the process.

Religion is belief in a supernatural entity or entities to do and shape the world as they wish. The Christian religion is based on revelations from an entity called 'God'. Unproven and unprovable.

You can be moral by following generally accepted principles that guide your life. Most of the 10 Commandments are not religious by themselves but a moral code that makes sense, religion or not. Take for example 'Thou shall not kill'. You can follow that as a moral precept and not have or observe any religion at all whatsoever. It is just basic scommon decency towards other human beings, other creatures and the environment we live in.

>>c) The Bible also defends and proposes many moral ways to deal with daily issues, like stoning your wife Lev.20:10, Ezk.16:40, Jn.8:3). Are your proposing that's moral? (it's certainly not legal around here). The Bible has no problem with slavery. That's also not moral and not legal. And so on.
>Frankly, if we had more visible and consistent capitol punishment today, things would be much better. I am in favor of capitol punishment (stoning or otherwise.) I think if used properly it can be a great deterrent and reminder of the consequences of our sin.

Maybe more capital punishment would work. I'm not against it for heinous crimes. In fact I am definitely for it in some cases. But so far it has not proven to be a useful deterrent as crime continues on. If you are saying that you believe in stoning your wife if she's adulterous then you are indeed in a small minority. So much for your view of 'Thou shall not kill'.

>As far as slavery goes, I think the Bible's view of slavery and what we think of when we think of slavery are two very different things.

Can you please elaborate? Slavery is the state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.

How does the Bible differ from that? Are you saying that you condone slavery? That will also get you in hot water as it happens to be illegal in this country nowadays. Unfortunately we do have a very embarrasing past in this regard, showing again that morality does not have much to do with religion at all.

If you're really interested in that, I can do some research on it and get back to you - let me know...

Yes please! I'd love to know. I am always learning and am not averse at having my views proven wrong and taught a better alternative explanation of things.

Alex Feldstein, MCP, Microsoft MVP
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