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London explosions
08/07/2005 11:17:10
08/07/2005 10:52:52
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>>>>I agree. In fact many countries are always chastising the U.S. for their oil consumption. I say we no longer use oil or gas. That should be our goal over the next 10 years. Canadians are often complaining about U.S. oil consumption just like the Europeans. I wonder how Canadians would feel if tomorrow the U.S. no longer needed oil or gas? After all, Canada, not Iraq nor Saudi Arabia, is the largest supplier of oil and gas to the United States. It would certainly make the environmentalists happy, but it would also seriously affect the economy. I'm all for it. I would love to no longer be reliant on gas and oil for energy.
>>>I could have sworn that I read or heard somewhere that the Canadians are just as "bad" as the Americans for oil consumption. Makes sense: they all drive the same gas-guzzlers, on the same multi-lane freeways, to their local Taco Bell, to a bar because there are few local pubs in the 'burbs, have the same air-conditioning on in the summer, etc. etc. I've seen very little difference in the two cultures.
>>>I think in the same report I heard that the good ole Aussies, surprisingly enough, are the WORST per capita.
>>To my knowledge the biggest difference between Canadians and the United States is the way we pronounce words containing the letters “out”. Take “about” as an example.
>>Canadians also drive on the correct or “right” side of the road, unlike others in the world.
>The reason that the English drive on the right stems back to the ancient Romans. They drove their chariots on the left in order to have their right sword arm free to meet enemies. In the U.S., however, horse drawn wagons were built with the brake on the left, forcing drivers to sit on that side, and therefor to drive on the right to get a better view of the road.
>I knew you wanted to know.

This seems unlikely. Means their shield arm was useless. In jousting they always passed on the right - to keep the shield where it's useful.

Interestingly, I've heard that the reason men's and women's clothes button on different sides is cos the man kept his cloak closed with his left hand, sword arm free, whereas women held their infants with the left arm, so they could use the right arm, but this meant keeping the cloak closed with the right hand.
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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