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>Well, so far it has been stated or inferred that I am a bigot and dinosaur for my attitude against same sex marriage. As a Catholic I agree with the teachings of my Church – that Marriage is one of the Seven Holy Sacrament’s. Those that do not believe in the sanctity of marriage are entitled to his/her opinion. The Church also teaches that it is not a sin to be a homosexual but it is a sin to commit a homosexual act.
>At this time the law allows people to leave his/her pet or another person whatever estate they may have in the form of a Last Will and Testament. Perhaps people who are for same sex marriages do not value marriage, or have had a bad experience in life.
>Living in a society where it is “all about me” tends to give one an attitude that “anything goes”. If it feels good it must be good. Anyone should be able to do whatever he or she likes, but not in my book!

Ah, Tom

Begin RANT

For once I have to take issue with you. So it's alright for us heteros to enjoy life to the full but for the others, who are born with their predilictions, through no fault of their own, should lead a life of abstenance?
I suppose it's alright for Father Bunloaf to preach this, as he's already elected to lead such a life - no skin off his nose to proscribe. And what's with this "The Church says.. "? Who's this "Church"? A man with a pointy hat on who lays down the law according to his wont. The same man who proscribes contraception cos once upon a time there wasn't any problem with world over-population and hunger (think of kids in Brazil living their whole lives on refuse tips, eaking a "living" out of them.

There's too much based on the whims of men - not God - God's never written down word one - only men (unless you count the 10 commandments), and their interpretations. I've a big issue with the RC church and its ridiculous rules (for example, where is it written down that priests SHOULD be celibate? many popes were married, many had kids, and several were evil muh-fuhs). And the guy who started it all off, Constantine, was pious with a capital E, not even turning Christian till near death, so's to cover all the bases)

- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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