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George Bush...
19/07/2005 23:10:52
19/07/2005 22:12:29
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvanie, États-Unis
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The most heartwarming conversation I heard after the last elections was with a nun who basically ripped into all these fundamentalists. Her exact quote was "These are not my Christians".

She made the exact same type of comments you are. If you want to show your true religious side, help the poor. She was extremely upset that fundamentalists are such anti-abortionists, yet most, if not all are in favor of the war in Iraq. Where many pregnant women are getting killed. Their unborn children getting killed also.

>>Seems to me that these folks ask for "evidence" or "proof" then twist what you provided to either mean something else or they poke fun or (if the proof is good enough) they just ignore it and stop responding. Makes me wonder about Mt 7:6 - maybe that applies here???
>Well first of all, the bible is proof of squat, zero, zilch, nada. It is a fairy tale written by men who wanted to belong.
>What acual proof can you offer without resorting to the circular argument that says, the bible is true because it is the word of god and god is true because the bible is proof.
>You can't. End of story.
>2nd: I am not a dog, nor a swine. Do you go home at night and flail yourself becuase of your self-assessed grandiosity and lack of compassion for others. Because we assail you "proof" doesn't mean we are worth tossing aside, but then again, when you are next to the messiah, I guess you can make those kinds of choices.
>I was religious, very. I tithed, studied the scriptures, i supported families and kids on welfare, taught a judo program for disadvantaged kids. My actions spoke more than your words, or your actions that have been seen on this forum so far, and believed what I was being taught regardless of how ridiculous it sounded. Then God crapped on me and my life, and it has been going on now for 20 years. God doesn't love people, he's on a power trip and the crap that is spread about love and compassion and mercy and justice is just that... crap. I'll take my chances.
>So quit preaching and go do something good in the name of god. Spend your money on others, but I'll bet that'd be hard for you and your fellow Chrisitans. There's a story in the philly paper about a black man who as a mailman earned 30,000 per year, but donated 100,000's of thousands directly to charitable cases as he saw fit. He didn't give it to the fat cat preachers to buy new cars and talk about God's goodness. He gave rent checks to people, bags of groceries, school clothes to kids. I have done the same, not in the name of religion, not for personal gain, but out of a sense of compassion and caring. That's more than I can say for the whole baptist fundamentalist camp in total. You talk the talk quite well, show me how you walk the walk also. I'll put you in touch with the people i help and the kids and let them tell you too.
>Time to put up or shut up.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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