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Few Companies are using Visual FoxPro
20/08/2005 10:59:04
19/08/2005 18:56:28
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Visual FoxPro
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Perry, Perry, you really have a narrow mind.

1. Most really good VFP programmers visit UT regularly.
2. Most really good VFP programmers read your messages and know what's your meaning of VFP.
3. Most really good VFP programmers conclude that they will not have you as their future boss.
4. Most really good VFP programmers are NOT looking for a new job anyway.
5. Only the not-so-good VFP programmers apply to your positions.

Remember, when you come to a conclusion, you must have real facts, or your conclusions will wlways be wrong.

I remember a story about Wrigley calling 100 dentists, and asked them if they recommended LSD ot Spearmint chewing gum to their children. The conclusion of the "survey" was: 99 out of 100 dentists recommend that their children use Spearmint chewing gum.

>We just went thru a month of interviewing to fill a couple VFP positions. I came to several conclusions after this go round:
>1) The subjects I interviewed who were listing VFP as the only development tool on their resume were substantially weaker developers then those who listed other tools.
>2) Of the several folks who listed dotnet on their resume, not one of them said they were interested in the position because they found fault with the dotnet environment. As a matter of fact, several folks made comments that they felt the company would eventually have to rewrite the apps and dotnet would be the logical choice, so they can get in on the ground floor.
>From a purely technical perspective I got much more of the warm and fuzzies talking to well rounded folks about issues. The only person I liked talking to who was a strictly VFP programmer has a mixture of working in a company as a controller type and working as a developer. So he was extremely strong in accounting.
>Also, for a number of years now, there are far, far, far more companies, that have an IT department with an approved software list, who list VFP in the not approved, rather then approved list.
>In a small company where they barely know how to turn a computer on, they probably don't care about development tool. But if an IT department is involved, there's a high likelyhood there will be a big issue.
>>>Remember that your customer only wants a quality solution. If you build a house, it does not matter what kind of hammer you use to drive the nails as long as the deleivered project is of good quality!
>>This is disingenuous (sp?) at best. Many companies DO CARE what the product is written in, especially in light of current security potentiality. One of our clients almost cancelled their contract when they found out we were using foxpro. The only thing that saved us is: 1 - we are the industry leader with the best product, and 2 - we promised to port to .Net over the next 2 years.
>>>Big Hummer trucks are nice, but a Toyota Carolla will do the same job at a better value!
>>Unless you get stuck in the snow, mud, heavy rain, etc.
>>P.S. Welcome back, I missed your rantings.

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