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I wish IconBuddy had Save2File method. But there is no such method in the version I downloaded. May be it was a later revision which you never published? I implemented other methods already, so now that important method is missing...

Thanks in advance.

>Nadya (still OK or better Naomi?)!
>> Once you have this picture, how can you display it in a grid? E.g. I've
>> implemented the ListView interface using your IconBuddy and MS ListView
>> samples, but I don't like the look. My manager also wants it grid based
>> (perhaps he doesn't care about the icons at all, but I'd like to have
>> them). Any idea of using your class with grids rather than with ListView?
>( - this is just a copy from our PM from yesterday - just to have it here in the UT - )
>Actually it's been quite some time, I touched Iconbuddy, but... hmm.... The problem is, You can't use icon objects in a grid like You would in a TreeView or ListView.
>How about saving the icon to a tempfile and use this instead. You could have a cursor that holds information what Iconfile to use for witch associated filetype. In the destroy You could delete all the temporary icons. No, maybe better use a collection. Maybe something like this (just some pseudocode I will write down but I'm sure You get the drift)
>Methods from Iconbuddy that could be useful for You are: Save2File() as well as GetAssocIconObject() as well as GetAssocIconPairObjects()
>DEFINE Class WhatEver as relation
>oIcons     = null
>oIconBuddy = null
>   this.oIcons = create("collection")
>   *-- do some cleanup here
>   if ! isNull(this.oIcons) and this.oIcons.Count > 0
>       for each loItem in this.oIcons
>           if ! empty(loItem.cIconLarge) and file(loItem.cIconLarge)
>                *-- well,... let's try catch here a file might be in use
>                try
>                   erase (loItem.IconLarge)
>                catch
>                   *-- ok leave it there. it's in the tmp-Folder and
>                   *-- will be deleted upon system maintennance or we
>                   *-- do have a routine that *does* check for older
>                   *-- rubbish
>                endtry
>            endif && ! empty(loItem.cIconLarge....
>            if ! empty(loItem.cIconSmall.......
>                 *-- the same for the small icon here
>                 .....
>            endif
>        endfor
>   endif
>   this.oIconbuddy = null
>   this.oIcons     = null
>PROCEDURE CreateTMPIcon(tcFile as string) as boolean
>   local lcExtension, loItem, .....
>   *-- Get the extension of the given file
>   lcExtension = lower(justExt(tcFile))
>   *-- and see if we already have an icon for it
>   lcIconFile = this.GetIconFile(lcExtension)
>   if empty(lcIconFile)
>       *-- Not in the collection yet
>       loItem = create("EMPTY")
>       addProperty(loItem, "cIconLarge", "")
>       addProperty(loItem, "cIconSmall", "")
>       *-- now extract the icons for the filetype
>       loIconLarge  = .null.
>       loIconSmall  = .null.
>       lnIconsFound = this.oIconBuddy(tcFile, @loIconLarge, @loIconSmall)
>       if lnIconsFound = 2
>             *-- Save the IconObject to disk
>             lcOutStem = "ICN"+ sys(2015)
>             lcOutFile = addBS(sys(2023)) + lcOutStem + "_L.ICO"
>             this.oIconBuddy.Save2File( loIconLarge, lcOutFile )
>             *-- and keep for further reference
>             loItem.cIconLarge = lcOutFile
>             *-- Do the same with the small icon
>             lcOutFile = addBS(sys(2023)) + lcOutStem + "_S.ICO"
>             this.oIconBuddy.Save2File( loIconSmall, lcOutFile )
>             *-- and keep for further reference
>             loItem.cIconSmall = lcOutFile
>       endif
>       *-- ... finally add the Item to the Collection
>       this.oIcons.Add( loItem, lcExtension )
>   endif
>PROCEDURE GetIconFile(tcExtension as String, tlLargeIcon as boolean) as String
>    *-- See if we have an Icon for that extension in our
>    *-- collection and if so, return the filename to it
>    local lcRetVal, lcExtension, lnItem
>    lcRetVal    = ""
>    lcExtension = lower(tcExtension)
>    if ! isnull(this.oIcons) and this.oIcons.count > 0
>        lnItem = this.oIcons.GetKey(lcExtension)
>        if lnItem > 0
>             *-- Yep! found it
>             lcRetVal = iif(tlLargeIcon, this.oIcons(lnItem).cIconLarge, this.oIcons(lnItem).cIconSmall)
>        endif
>    endif && ! isnull(this.oIcons....
>    return lcRetVal
>something like this. Once You've loaded the filetypes needed into the collection You could use GetIconFile([, ]) from within the grid to query the tmp-Filename for a given extension.
>Hope this works for You. As I said, I just wrote this down. But I think it should work
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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