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People dying before our eyes!!!!
06/09/2005 16:02:55
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Unfortunately, we're hearing the same refrain on this effort as the effort to rebuild Iraq. And this has nothing to do with republican vs. democrat, liberal vs. conservative, etc. This has to do with poeple in power willing to risk lives all in the name of the buddy system.

Typical reports are stating that the last 2 heads of Fema were first a Bush buddy, then second the college roomate of the Bush buddy. Neither had any experience whatsoever in areas of disaster planning on any scope.

During Clinton's administration, Fema was built up quite a bit. I saw a comment from the head at that time that many he still keeps in contact with complain daily about how worthless they feel in their job. This has been going on for the last several years.

Much as many appointees to the rebuilding of Iraq were placed there based on their standing in the Republican party. In many cases people were put in charge of areas they had no experience with at all, and were totally clueless to carry out any of their supposed resposibilities.

No matter what, this should be a call that this type of behavior is unacceptable. Politicians need to be held accountable. If I show up late too many times for work, I will be fired. Yet these people are allowed to play with lives, with no accountability in case of failure.

>You're on the money. I had several people send me the following email that was sent out by TEMA, which is the Tennessee arm of FEMA. I told them we are the volunteer state and that's exactly what my group is doing, so we don't have to deal with their red tape.
>Here's the email:
>The official State policy on the deployment from Tennessee, to the Hurricane Disaster area, was forwarded to Mr. Charlie Bryant of TEMA. This policy will answer many questions and concerns that have been raised by Memphis Police personnel. The policy states as follows:
>All deployment of any response units to the Hurricane area, must be sent only through official Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) request from one state to another. That is the only way that the responders will be compensated or covered for liability issues. TEMA will compile a list of all resources and personnel who may wish to place themselves on a possible roster for use, sometime in the future. At this time, the Federal Government and all local officials in the disaster area, have informed TEMA (officially), that they do not have the fuel or resources to accept outside responders; no matter how well equipped, trained or prepared they might be. At this time, only State Dept. of Military and State Agency personnel can be considered for EMAC deployment (as stated in the EMAC law). No local Government personnel or resources can be deployed until legal issues can be worked out, among the Compact States. Those issues may take might take a while to work out, if they can
> be worked out, at all. TEMA has been informed by FEMA (Regulation IV), that all response personnel who respond to the disaster area without direct approval by State Emergency Management Agencies, will be turned away from the disaster area, by Federal and State authorities, due to emergency measures that are now in effect.
>This is what happens when the incompetent lead the unwilling! The more I work for the government, the less I like it.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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