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People dying before our eyes!!!!
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I am reminded of the 1906 Earthquake and Fire in San Francisco. As a fourth generation San Franciscan I am greatly interested in this story and the stories my family told me.

1. Communications were “disrupted”.

2. The mayor declared martial law, not waiting for the President’s approval.

3. General Funston took charge immediately and mobilized the soldiers at the military forts within San Francisco to enforce the law and help victims.

4. Refuge camps were created in places like Golden Gate Park within a few hours of the quake.

5. By 11PM that same day the first train from Los Angeles arrived with emergency supplies.

6. “Temporary” dwellings were constructed within days of the quake. These were to be torn down when the city had been rebuilt. One of these “temporary” dwellings was behind the house I was raised in and is still in use today. In fact it is worth more than one million dollars. It is nothing to look at!

My personal viewpoint on this subject is that there is too much bureaucracy in this day and age. Over the years more and more layers have been added between those that need help and those capable of giving it. By comparing the actions of 1906 with those of today it seems we have a serious problem. Communications, leadership, and the ability to get the job done quickly and efficiently are lacking in today’s world.

I heard on Fox News that several Helicopter Pilots got into trouble with the military for saving lives. Their mission was to deliver supplies and on the way they saw a number of people whose lives were threatened. Innovation does not seem to be appreciated.

In September of 1960 I was 18 years old. To make a long story short, I was in the Air Force, at Orlando, Florida. Hurricane Donna hit us with high winds and did a great deal of damage. I was an Airman Second Class, and was in a position to help save lives. I received three letters of accommodation for saving over 2000 lives. I did not use my chain of command – I acted! The Air Force was very appreciative of my action.

Today’s world is very different!

>You're on the money. I had several people send me the following email that was sent out by TEMA, which is the Tennessee arm of FEMA. I told them we are the volunteer state and that's exactly what my group is doing, so we don't have to deal with their red tape.
>Here's the email:
>The official State policy on the deployment from Tennessee, to the Hurricane Disaster area, was forwarded to Mr. Charlie Bryant of TEMA. This policy will answer many questions and concerns that have been raised by Memphis Police personnel. The policy states as follows:
>All deployment of any response units to the Hurricane area, must be sent only through official Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) request from one state to another. That is the only way that the responders will be compensated or covered for liability issues. TEMA will compile a list of all resources and personnel who may wish to place themselves on a possible roster for use, sometime in the future. At this time, the Federal Government and all local officials in the disaster area, have informed TEMA (officially), that they do not have the fuel or resources to accept outside responders; no matter how well equipped, trained or prepared they might be. At this time, only State Dept. of Military and State Agency personnel can be considered for EMAC deployment (as stated in the EMAC law). No local Government personnel or resources can be deployed until legal issues can be worked out, among the Compact States. Those issues may take might take a while to work out, if they can
> be worked out, at all. TEMA has been informed by FEMA (Regulation IV), that all response personnel who respond to the disaster area without direct approval by State Emergency Management Agencies, will be turned away from the disaster area, by Federal and State authorities, due to emergency measures that are now in effect.
>This is what happens when the incompetent lead the unwilling! The more I work for the government, the less I like it.

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