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Get date and time from internet.
28/09/2005 06:10:02
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Visual FoxPro
Fonctions Windows API
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Thanks, I'll check it up and do a modifications.

>Looks like a signing issue in StrToLong. The relevant four bytes in the buffer are:
>GMT-1: 60 0 0 0
>GMT : 0 0 0 0
>GMT + 1: 196 255 255 255
>>I don't know what happens here. The original code was:
>>liBias = StrToLong(SUBSTR(TZInfo, 1, 4))
>>BUT this gives me +4294967296 :o))) so I decide to do a subtraction as in liDaylightBias and it works.
>>>Haven't got time to dig but something seems to go amiss in the LocalTimeZone() function. On my system (GMT, daylight savings) the line:
>>>liBias = StrToLong(SUBSTR(TZInfo, 1, 4)) - 2 ^ 32
>>>returns -4294967296 where I guess 0 would be correct...
>>>>I think that there is a much easier solution that that :o)
>>>>Keep in mind that there is not much error handling and this is not very well tested. I tested it ONLY on my computer and this stes the time well, but who knows
>>>>**** Internet syncronization time base on article
>>>>**** founded at
>>>>#define INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG            0x00         && use registry
>>>>#define INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD                    0x80000000   && retrieve the original item
>>>>#define BEGIN_UTC_TIME                          0x69
>>>>#define LEN_UTC_TIME                            0x11
>>>>#define TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN                    0x00
>>>>#define TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD                   0x01
>>>>#define TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT                   0x02
>>>>**** DLL Declarations
>>>>DECLARE INTEGER InternetOpen        IN wininet  STRING lpszAgent, INTEGER dwAccessType, STRING lpszProxy, STRING lpszProxyBypass, INTEGER dwFlags
>>>>DECLARE INTEGER InternetCloseHandle IN wininet  INTEGER hInternet
>>>>DECLARE INTEGER InternetOpenUrl     IN wininet  INTEGER hInternet, STRING lpszUrl, STRING lpszHeaders, INTEGER dwHeadersLength, INTEGER dwFlags, INTEGER dwContext
>>>>DECLARE INTEGER InternetReadFile    IN wininet  INTEGER hFile, STRING @lpBuffer, INTEGER dwNumberOfBytesToRead, INTEGER @lpdwNumberOfBytesRead
>>>>DECLARE LONG    SetLocalTime        IN win32api STRING @
>>>>DECLARE INTEGER GetLocalTime        IN win32api STRING @
>>>>LOCAL m.hInternet, m.Context, m.hHttp, m.buff, m.NumberOfBytesRead, m.bRet
>>>>LOCAL m.utcTimeBuff, m.mntbuff, m.nYear, m.nMonth, m.nDay, m.nHour, m.nMin, m.nSec
>>>>m.hInternet = InternetOpen("BSAtomicEdu", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG , NULL, NULL, 0)
>>>>if m.hInternet == 0
>>>>   MessageBox("Internet open error! Test your system and try again.")
>>>>   return
>>>>m.Context = 777
>>>>m.hHttp   = InternetOpenUrl(m.hInternet, [], NULL, -1, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, Context)
>>>>IF hHttp == 0
>>>>   MessageBox("URL open error!")
>>>>   InternetCloseHandle(m.hInternet)
>>>>   return
>>>>m.buff              = SPACE(1024)
>>>>m.NumberOfBytesRead = 0
>>>>m.bRet = InternetReadFile(m.hHttp, @m.buff, 1024, @m.NumberOfBytesRead)
>>>>IF m.bRet == 0
>>>>   MessageBox( "URL reading error! Test internet connection and try again.")
>>>>   RETURN
>>>>m.utcTimeBuff = SUBSTR(buff,BEGIN_UTC_TIME,LEN_UTC_TIME)
>>>>nYear       = YEAR(DATE()) && :o))))
>>>>nMonth      = INT(AT(UPPER(left(utcTimeBuff,3)),mntbuff)/3)+1
>>>>nDay        = VAL(SUBSTR(utcTimeBuff,6,2))
>>>>nHour       = VAL(SUBSTR(utcTimeBuff,10,2))
>>>>nMin        = VAL(SUBSTR(utcTimeBuff,13,2))
>>>>nSec        = VAL(SUBSTR(utcTimeBuff,16,2))
>>>>VFPSetDateTime(m.nYear, m.nMonth, m.nDay, m.nHour, m.nMin, m.nSec)
>>>>FUNCTION VFPSetDateTime(m.pYear, m.pMonth, m.pDay, m.pHour, m.pMinute, m.pSecond)
>>>>   ************************************************************************
>>>>   **** Taken from FAQ #7864
>>>>   **** Created by Terence Tam - Hong Kong
>>>>   ************************************************************************
>>>>    LOCAL oUniverslTime AS Custom, oLocalTime AS Custom, oNewTime AS Custom
>>>>    LOCAL m.lpcount, m.cBuff, m.sYear, m.sMonth, m.sWeekDay, m.sDay, m.sHour, m.sMinute, m.sSecond, m.sMinSecond
>>>>    LOCAL m.nYear, m.nMonth, m.nDay, m.nWeekDay, m.nHour, m.nMinute, m.nSecond, m.nMinSecond
>>>>    m.lpcount = PCOUNT()
>>>>    IF m.lpcount < 3
>>>>        MESSAGEBOX("Usage: VFPSetDateTime(Year, Month, Day [[[, Hour ], Minute ], Second ])", ;
>>>>            32, "Wrong Usage, Note: Only for 24 Hours Setting")
>>>>       RETURN
>>>>    ENDIF
>>>>    m.cBuff    = SPACE(16)    && Each Information (WORD) worth 2 bytes
>>>>    GetLocalTime(@cBuff)
>>>>    m.sYear      = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,1,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,2,1))*256))
>>>>    m.sMonth     = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,3,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,4,1))*256))
>>>>    m.sWeekDay   = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,5,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,6,1))*256))
>>>>    m.sDay       = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,7,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,8,1))*256))
>>>>    m.sHour      = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,9,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,10,1))*256))
>>>>    m.sMinute    = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,11,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,12,1))*256))
>>>>    m.sSecond    = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,13,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,14,1))*256))
>>>>    m.sMinSecond = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,15,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,16,1))*256))
>>>>    m.nYear      = pYear
>>>>    m.nMonth     = pMonth
>>>>    m.nDay       = pDay
>>>>    m.nWeekDay   = DOW(CTOD(ALLTRIM(STR(nMonth)) + [/] + ALLTRIM(STR(nDay)) + [/] + ALLTRIM(STR(nYear)))) && MDY
>>>>    DO CASE
>>>>       CASE m.lpcount = 3
>>>>            m.nHour   = HOUR(DATETIME())
>>>>            m.nMinute = MINUTE(DATETIME())
>>>>            m.nSecond = SEC(DATETIME())
>>>>       CASE m.lpcount = 4
>>>>            m.nHour   = pHour
>>>>            m.nMinute = MINUTE(DATETIME())
>>>>            m.nSecond = SEC(DATETIME())
>>>>       CASE m.lpcount = 5
>>>>            m.nHour   = pHour
>>>>            m.nMinute = pMinute
>>>>            m.nSecond = SEC(DATETIME())
>>>>       CASE m.lpcount = 6
>>>>            m.nHour   = pHour
>>>>            m.nMinute = pMinute
>>>>            m.nSecond = pSecond
>>>>    ENDCASE
>>>>    m.nMinSecond = VAL(sMinSecond)
>>>>    *******************************
>>>>    *** Changes made by me :o)
>>>>    oUniverslTime = CREATEOBJECT("Custom")
>>>>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Year"   ,pYear)
>>>>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Month"  ,pMonth)
>>>>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Day"    ,pDay)
>>>>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Hour"   , pHour)
>>>>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Minute" , pMinute)
>>>>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Seconds", pSecond)
>>>>    oLocalTime    = CREATEOBJECT("Custom")
>>>>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Year"   , nYear)
>>>>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Month"  , nMonth)
>>>>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Day"    , nDay)
>>>>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Hour"   , nHour)
>>>>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Minute" , nMinute, )
>>>>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Seconds", nSecond, )
>>>>    oNewTime = LocalZoneTime(oUniverslTime, oLocalTime)
>>>>    nBuff = CHR(oNewTime.Year%256)    + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Year/256))  +;
>>>>            CHR(oNewTime.Month%256)   + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Month/256)) +;
>>>>            CHR(nWeekday%256)         + CHR(INT(nWeekday/256))       +;
>>>>            CHR(oNewTime.Day%256)     + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Day/256))   +;
>>>>            CHR(oNewTime.Hour%256)    + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Hour/256))  +;
>>>>            CHR(oNewTime.Minute%256)  + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Minute/256))+;
>>>>            CHR(oNewTime.Seconds%256) + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Seconds/256))+;
>>>>            CHR(nMinSecond%256)       + CHR(INT(nMinSecond/256))
>>>>    SetLocalTime(@nBuff)
>>>>FUNCTION LocalZoneTime(oUniverslTime AS Collection , oLocalTime AS Collection)
>>>>   ************   ************   ************   ************   ************   ************
>>>>   ** Taken from MSDN HOWTO: Obtain Time Zone Information in Visual FoxPro
>>>>   ** Article KB194576
>>>>   ************   ************   ************   ************   ************   ************
>>>>   * the definition for TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION is:
>>>>   *
>>>>   *typedef struct _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION { // tzi
>>>>   *    LONG       Bias;
>>>>   *    WCHAR      StandardName[ 32 ];
>>>>   *    SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
>>>>   *    LONG       StandardBias;
>>>>   *    WCHAR      DaylightName[ 32 ];
>>>>   *    SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
>>>>   *    LONG       DaylightBias;
>>>>   * buffer to receive TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
>>>>   TZInfo = REPLICATE(CHR(0),172)
>>>>   DECLARE INTEGER GetTimeZoneInformation IN kernel32 STRING @TZInfo
>>>>   liRetCode = GetTimeZoneInformation(@TZInfo)
>>>>   DO CASE
>>>>      CASE liRetCode = ID_UNKNOWN
>>>>         RETURN oUniverslTime
>>>>      CASE liRetCode = ID_STANDARD
>>>>      CASE liRetCode = ID_DAYLIGHT
>>>>   ENDCASE
>>>>   * now, parse the returned structure
>>>>   * Daylight savings time bias is a negative value
>>>>   * stored in 2s complement, so subtract 2^32 to obtain a decimal value
>>>>   liBias = StrToLong(SUBSTR(TZInfo, 1, 4))  - 2 ^ 32
>>>>   * lcStandardName is a Unicode string - strip out chr(0)s for
>>>>   * US/English
>>>>   lcStandardName = SUBSTR(TZInfo, 5, 64)
>>>>   lcStandardName = STRTRAN(lcStandardName, CHR(0), "")
>>>>   * lcStandardDate is a SYSTEMTIME structure, defined as follows:
>>>>   *
>>>>   *typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {  // st
>>>>   *    WORD wYear;
>>>>   *    WORD wMonth;
>>>>   *    WORD wDayOfWeek;
>>>>   *    WORD wDay;
>>>>   *    WORD wHour;
>>>>   *    WORD wMinute;
>>>>   *    WORD wSecond;
>>>>   *    WORD wMilliseconds;
>>>>   *} SYSTEMTIME;
>>>>   * this SYSTEMTIME struct must be parsed again
>>>>   lcStandardDate = SUBSTR(TZInfo, 69, 16)
>>>>   lcSDYear       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 1, 2))
>>>>   lcSDMonth      = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 3, 2))
>>>>   lcSDDayofWeek  = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 5, 2))
>>>>   lcSDDay        = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 7, 2))
>>>>   lcSDHour       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 9, 2))
>>>>   lcSDMinute     = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 11, 2))
>>>>   lcSDSecond     = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 13, 2))
>>>>   lcSDMSec       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 15, 2))
>>>>   liStandardBias = StrToLong(SUBSTR(TZInfo, 85, 4))
>>>>   * lcDaylightname is also a Unicode string
>>>>   lcDaylightName = SUBSTR(TZInfo, 89, 64)
>>>>   lcDaylightName = STRTRAN(lcDaylightName, CHR(0), "")
>>>>   * this SYSTEMTIME struct must be parsed again, same as above
>>>>   lcDaylightDate = SUBSTR(TZInfo, 153, 16)
>>>>   lcDDYear       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 1, 2))
>>>>   lcDDMonth      = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 3, 2))
>>>>   lcDDDayofWeek  = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 5, 2))
>>>>   lcDDDay        = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 7, 2))
>>>>   lcDDHour       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 9, 2))
>>>>   lcDDMinute     = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 11, 2))
>>>>   lcDDSecond     = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 13, 2))
>>>>   lcDDMSec       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 15, 2))
>>>>   * Daylight savings time bias is a negative value
>>>>   * stored in 2s complement, so subtract 2^32 to obtain a decimal value
>>>>   liDaylightBias = StrToLong(SUBSTR(TZInfo, 169, 4)) - 2 ^ 32
>>>>    nZoneCorrection = liBias
>>>>    DO CASE
>>>>       CASE liRetCode == TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD
>>>>             nZoneCorrection = nZoneCorrection + liStandardBias
>>>>       CASE liRetCode== TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT
>>>>            nZoneCorrection = nZoneCorrection + liDaylightBias
>>>>    ENDCASE
>>>>    nZoneCorrection = -nZoneCorrection
>>>>    nTotalMinutes = oUniverslTime.Hour * 60 + oUniverslTime.Minute + nZoneCorrection
>>>>    IF nTotalMinutes < 0
>>>>       nTotalMinutes = nTotalMinutes + 24*60
>>>>    ENDIF
>>>>    IF nTotalMinutes>24*60
>>>>       nTotalMinutes = nTotalMinutes - 24*60
>>>>    ENDIF
>>>>    oLocalTime.Year    = oUniverslTime.Year
>>>>    oLocalTime.Month   = oUniverslTime.Month
>>>>    oLocalTime.Day     = oUniverslTime.Day
>>>>    oLocalTime.Hour    = INT(nTotalMinutes /60)
>>>>    oLocalTime.Minute  = nTotalMinutes - oLocalTime.Hour*60
>>>>    oLocalTime.Seconds = oUniverslTime.Seconds
>>>>RETURN oLocalTime
>>>>FUNCTION StrToLong(m.lcLongstr)
>>>>   * Passed:  4-byte character string (lcLongstr) in low-high ASCII format
>>>>   * Returns:  long integer value
>>>>   * Example:
>>>>   * m.longstr = "1111"
>>>>   * m.longval = strtolong(m.longstr)
>>>>   LOCAL i, lnRetval
>>>>   m.lnRetval = 0
>>>>   FOR m.i = 0 TO 24 STEP 8
>>>>      m.lnRetval  = m.lnRetval + (ASC(m.lcLongstr) * (2^i))
>>>>      m.lcLongstr = RIGHT(m.lcLongstr, LEN(m.lcLongstr) - 1)
>>>>   NEXT
>>>>RETURN lnRetval
>>>>   **********************
>>>>FUNCTION Str2Word(m.wordstr)
>>>>   LOCAL m.i, m.retval
>>>>   m.retval = 0
>>>>   FOR i = 0 TO 8 STEP 8
>>>>      m.retval  = m.retval + (ASC(m.wordstr) * (2^i))
>>>>      m.wordstr = RIGHT(m.wordstr, LEN(m.wordstr) - 1)
>>>>   NEXT
>>>>RETURN m.retval
Against Stupidity the Gods themselves Contend in Vain - Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
The only thing normal about database guys is their tables.

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