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Re: Icons
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Visual FoxPro:
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OK Thanks Evan.

>>>b) keep the sets in folders underneath a master folder, and use an entry in a configuration DBF to point the app to the desired folder/set of graphics. Your app would have to look at this DBF entry at runtime to assign the correct location and file name of the desired icon/bitmap (this is not difficult, and is the way most of my apps currently behave).
>>Hi Evan. Where do you set the path for the bmp's and icons using the above? Do you set the icon/bmp for each control in the init for the control or form? what about the menu items?
>>I have tried playing around with SET PATH in VFP to tell it the search path to use for locating bmps/icons but my menu, which has bmp's, fails and it does not appear to find the image files.
>My approach is as follows:
>All my CommandButton controls have a custom property called icPictureFileName, which holds the name of the BMP/ICO file I want for that button. You could define the same property for any control you desired that needed an associated graphic.
>I have a base container called ctrCommandBar, with a custom method called PopulateCommandButtonPictures() and a custom property called icPictureFilePath. You could also do this as a method and property of your primary Form class if you wanted.
>The Init() of that container looks like this:
>LOCAL llAppExists, ;
>      llReturnValue
>*-- Define local variables
>llAppExists   = ( TYPE( "oApp" ) = "O" AND !ISNULL( oApp ) )
>*-- Perform the default behavior
>llReturnValue = DODEFAULT()
>*-- If the default behavior was successful,
>*-- assign the desired properties
>IF llReturnValue
>	*-- If we have an app object, read the value from the configuration DBF
>	THIS.icPictureFilePath = IIF( EMPTY( THIS.icPictureFilePath ) AND llAppExists, ;
>					oApp.GetAppInfo( "CommandButtonPictureFilePath" ), ;
>					THIS.icPictureFilePath ;
>				     )
>	*-- If the picture file path is null,
>	*-- store an empty string so we don't get errors
>	IF ISNULL( THIS.icPictureFilePath )
>		THIS.icPictureFilePath = SPACE( 0 )
>	ENDIF && ISNULL( THIS.icPictureFilePath )
>	*-- Populate the CommandButton controls
>	*-- with the desired pictures
>	THIS.PopulateCommandButtonPictures()
>ENDIF && llReturnValue
>*-- Clean up and return
>RETURN ( llReturnValue )
>The PopulateCommandButtonPictures() code looks like this:
>LOCAL lcPictureFilePath, ;
>	loControl
>*-- Define local variables
>lcPictureFilePath = THIS.icPictureFilePath
>loControl         = .NULL.
>*-- If we have a file path,
>*-- add a backslash to the end
>lcPictureFilePath = IIF( !EMPTY( lcPictureFilePath ), ;
>                          ADDBS( lcPictureFilePath ), ;
>                          lcPictureFilePath ;
>			)
>*-- Loop through the contained controls
>FOR EACH loControl IN THIS.Controls
>	*-- If the control has the icPictureFileName property,
>	*-- assign the Picture property of the control
>	IF PEMSTATUS( loControl, "icPictureFileName", 5 )	
>		loControl.Picture = lcPictureFilePath + loControl.icPictureFileName
>	ENDIF && PEMSTATUS( loControl, "icPictureFileName", 5 )
>ENDFOR && EACH loControl IN THIS.Controls
>You could apply this same concept to menus by placing this code in a separate logic class and firing the necessary methods in the Skip For prompt option of each menu bar.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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