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When will the Republicans stop tax and spend tactics?
22/10/2005 17:41:07
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Living in the south, I assume you run into many more who still support Bush than I do. I'm trying to understand how anyone who did a little research could support GW at all let alone now.

Reviewing some of what we were told as far as Iraq, 1) Some who have come forward to say the administration seemed singularly focused on Iraq immediately following 9-11. 2) Wolfowitz and other neo-cons put together a document, I don't remember if it was during Bush daddy or Reagan yrs, describing their vision for remodeling the Middle East. The first requirement was to invade Iraq.

Reviewing some of what we were told about Karl Rove, 1) Throughout his history of political campaigning there's a pattern of nasty things happening to the opponent of the candidate he's working for. Nothing that leads directly to Rove of course. But there's too many examples for this to just be a coicidence. 2) Someone, Wilson, comes out against the planned war. A campaign to ruin him is started.

There are many who have come forward to describe examples they saw of ineptitude in the current administration. Some describing different facets of government. But always describing the same modus operandi. We have Katrina to show for that. Did you read the comment by the FEMA official who was sent to NO in the beginning this week. Assistents to Brownie passed the word down the line not to bother the poor guy for a while. He just can't eat his dinner in 20-30 minutes.

How many more of these stories do we need to hear before his support falls into the single digits? I just can't believe how many are ignoring these day-to-day stories we constantly here.

>Originally, I was on the side of the government (read GWB) about Iraq. Shortly after the invasion, I was talking with a Viet Nam vet and asked him what he thought. He said, "They better < expletive > well find weapons of mass destruction". "If they don't", I said, "Bush won't be able to get elected dog catcher in Texas."
>How wrong I was.
>We have gone from a budget surplus to a deficit partially because of Iraq. That the only reason? No, but consider that in the history of this country, if not the history of the world, this is the first time, in a period of "shared sacfrice" (IOW, war), that there's been a tax cut.
>I believe now that we shouldn't have gone in in the first place, and, second, we've no exit strategy. Our best and finest, just like Viet Nam, are being taken from their parents and families, for an unfounded cause.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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