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My thanks to everyone for Southwest Fox 2005
25/10/2005 17:07:47
21/10/2005 13:36:17
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvania, United States
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Hey John,

Computers been down, I haven't been on for a couple days (damn Tablets w/o bootable drives).

Anywho, I return to see your post and am truly filled with admiration. It's not often that one comes along with that kind of, how did Mick Foley put it when he was in the WWF, testicular fortitude. Immense thanks for your apology to Bob. I don't know him at all, I haven't been to SW Fox (although I wanted to go, hopefully next year) and am seriously looking into investing large amounts of time in .Net with the release of VS 2005 in a couple weeks. However, I just call um like I see um.

I would like to thank you on the heads up about the .Net code camps. I've been following Carl Franklins road trip a little on the RSS feeds but didn't know the code camps were free. I'm always looking for a reason to get off this pebble in the middle of the ocean and have family I could stay with in New York so attending code camps in that area might cost me only an airline ticket.

I've been at DevTeach the past couple of years and have found great value in that and will continue to attend but those code camps could give me yet another reason to get out there.



>You know, you are absolutely correct. I have been going over my post and the reasons for such over the last few days and have come to the conclusion that I do it just for the sport of seeing people get ticked off. I don't know how I've come to that point in my life where I live vicariously through other's pain.
>This has been happening not only on this list, but others, and my life in general also. Time to do some soul-searching and see what is causing this.
>I apologize to the community as a whole and to Bob Kocher in particular, who was the recipient of my attack when he was not the object of my attack. I promise to do better in the future.
>>I usually just browse over stuff like this but to tell you the truth this one actually moved me to inquire more (and forgive me if it sounds a bit hostile).
>>1. Where did .Net fit into the whole picture? Bob said nothing about .Net
>>2. Don't start doing the nit picking I see everybody doing by taking a portion of the original post out of context and ignoring the rest of the entire post. I know your going to cue in on "a unique experience to the FoxPro community" then create a whole argument about how the .Net community has this or that and it's not unique to the Fox Community, blah blah blah. But really, SO WHAT!!! Why are you going to take a simple sentence and act as if that's all he said in the whole post. Besides if that's how he feels, then that's how he feels, just let it go.
>>3. Bob was just thanking everybody for the Southwest Fox conference. Why do you have to come in with this bad attitude? So what if there is a code camp for .Net (good for them). So what if it's free (better for them). So what if there were more people at one or the other. Can't Bob just thank people without your bad (I'll censor myself) attitude comments?
>>4. Can't someone just say thank you without turning everything into a VFP vs .Net debate?
>>>Well that is partially true and partially not true. The .net community has begun having code camps all over the US and they are spreading into Europe and Central America now. A code camp is usually a jam-packed 2 day affair with 5 tracks per day and 8-10 presentations per track per day. Lunch and dinner are provided and the quality of information received is extremely high. I have been to three of them in the last 6 months and guess what:

>>> * They are free *

>>>That beats the hell out of spending 400 - 2000 dollars to attend a foxpro conference. The Boston camp had around 800 participants; the Philly camp 500. How many attended yours?
>>>>After a year of planning, Southwest Fox 2005 flew by in what seemed like the blink of an eye. It is an experience unique to the FoxPro community to spend most of four days learning and sharing with friends both old and new. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves half as much as I did. My most sincere thanks to everyone who participated at every level. Without all of you, I'd look pretty foolish standing in the middle of the Arizona Ballroom all by myself.
>>>>The final figures have been tallied and attendance was up a full 15% this year over last. We are working on some new things for next year (before, during and after the conference) and, with a little luck, the numbers will be up again next year. Sharon has diligently compiled a list of things I screwed up this year, so we will also be better next year. And I, for one, can't wait to get started.
>>>>As soon as I have confirmed dates and location, I will pass them along.
>>>>Hope to see you next year,

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