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The President is Proud
11/11/2005 11:31:26
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I think we should be able to burn down every polution producing factory in the U.S. as well. They are polluting my air more than smokers are. Also these car fumes are dangerous and effect the level of smog and kill people. Don't get be started on chicken farms and hog farms. I wonder if tobacco farms release poisons into the atmosphere? We can't burn them though because that would give everyone in the state cancer... While we're at it, I really can't stand walking or standing near anyone that doesn't bathe regularly and user deordorant - the stench is terrible. Let's shoot them too. :o) (Uh Oh, I can think of a entire country that falls into that category!)

>>>>>As for solving the World's problems which all seem to be caused by the USA, how about we pull our military completely out of EVERY country, station our troops around our own shores, borders and airspace, cut off ALL foreign aid, cut the State Dept by about 90%, and let every one else (countries) fend for themselves. Think that would stop the radicals from hating us? Not a chance in hell! They hated us before Bush; you could not negotiate with them before Bush; and the status will be the same after Bush. Time to find a different whipping-boy.
>>>Does the deal include removing US companies and/or its interest as well? If so, be careful, many would jump and take the deal. ;)
>>Nope. US companies and/or their interests would still be free to setup shop wherever they wanted. Just don't come crying to "me" if a country "nationalizes" your business. My point is getting goverment the hell out of our lives as much as possible. Let's looks at something on a very small and local scale - smoking in restaurants. NO gov't should have the right to tell a private business owner how they have to deal with smoking in their establishment. If he or she decides to allow smoking, then the "public" has the right to NOT go in there. If this impacts the business negatively, then the owner has the right to prohibit smoking. If you do not like a particular TV show, YOU have the right to change the channel or turn of the TV. Just don't whine to the FCC regarding your lack of self-control or discipline.
>I agree with you on government control except when it comes to smoking! I would like to have the right to shoot any smoker on sight! Add to that cell phone users! :)
>I guess that I could be a bit more tranquil towards smokers and cell phone users. Make smokers wear a space helmet so that they may fully enjoy a drag. Require cell phone users to use his/her machine only in an outhouse designated for that purpose. Just two pet peeves. :)

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
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