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George Bush...
11/11/2005 14:40:42
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Have you ever looked into where the money paid into Social Security goes? I have not done this for a few years but it is or was an eye opener. There was an original intent and then additional “eligibilities” were created. Then there is dialogue that the federal government has been using funds from social security for the “general fund”.

By the way when I collect social security, the amount received will not pay my rent! Such a good feeling.


>Except that social security is a tax for a specific purpose. It is written in United States code 42 that it is to provide old age, survivors, and disability insurance benefits to workers and their families and it is determined in part by prior contributions. If they take away social security then I want my money (premiums) back!
>>>>But the main thing is... what has your government done for "YOU THE PEOPLE" lately (and mine for me)? The answer is clear as a bell - NOTHING.
>>>>Government has effectively given up on improving the life and lot of its citizens. But since they still value their jobs/power, they've come up with another thing to get themselves elected - instilling FEAR.
>>>But what you are saying is purely SOCIALISTIC POV. Where does it say that the government has to improve the life of people? In a capitalisic society the government's role is to protect us from the external enemies, protect us from illegal activities of some companies and individuals, and provide basic public services.
>>>If you wait for the government to *give* you and *provide* for you, you are aspiring a Socialism.
>>It seems like we "give" taxes to our government. Many "gave" militry service and received nothing in return, even though the federal government promised to do so. Should we not expect something in return?
>>You are right that anything given by a government is a form of socialism. Why should a nation take the personal condition of an individual into consideration? Why pay citizens to help them exist?
>>We pay social security to retired folks, Medicare and other programs or handouts if you will. Think of all the money we could save if we remove all forms of assistance from the federal, state and local governments! We would then have more money for war!
>>46 million Americans do not have any form of medical insurance. They should not receive medical care if it is needed. We are the only industrialized nation that does not have medical care for its citizens.
>>If you cannot take care of yourself then you should not exist. You have to be a productive member of society to live. Programs that feed the many poor children in our country should be eliminated.
>>Our country is all about, “Every dog for himself”! If you are not productive and self sufficient then we do not want you.
>>Now the problem I have with the above comments about not helping those who cannot help themselves has to do with my value system and how I was raised. As a Catholic I was taught to help those in need. Irish Catholic Nuns brought the first free medical care to the United States around 1845. They were despised for this and for being Catholic. Until then only the rich could afford medical care.
>>Do not get sick, injured or be a victim as nobody cares. Just keep your nose to the grindstone and pay taxes. That is true happiness American style. :)

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