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George Bush...
22/11/2005 12:58:15
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I can imagine a soldier saying anything in Iraq that is negative. Stories like the guy who was fired from his civilian job for saying something true but negative about his company come to mind.

I think the military would take a dim attitude on any negative press being expressed by especially enlisted personnel. An officer and gentleman (or gentlewoman) would never do such a thing!

The military has ways to prevent or discourage negative comments. You simply put the offender in a dangerous place as a reward for his/her comments.

A little extra duty also helps right a negative person. It is good discipline!

>I don't remember the exact wording, but one of the soldiers posting on was discussing the Iraqi elections in a blog and mentioned how he had to be real careful on what he discussed due to restrictions impossed by the powers that be.
>If I recall correctly, it was something to the extent of mentioning anything negative about his being in Iraq.
>>That is interesting that you state that the Pentagon is censuring blogs from Iraq. Do you have proof? The Pentagon can legally only remove classified information or information that will risk lives if posted. I have numerous friends (we have 45,000 troops here on Fort Bragg) that are there now, many have gone, returned, and left again, and none reported any censorship at all. Almost everyone here knows at least a couple of troops over there. This is an area of mostly military families and retirees. I have friends there now from many military units and none have experienced censorship that I am aware of. Not one complained of it or even mentioned it. My friends at my old job handle the military information security and they are doing what I used to do and they are only censorsing sensitive data (troop locations and personnel strengths). Not only that, there are too many blogs and no restriction on the internet - they cannot even track but a small portion of them.
>>>In the last poll I saw where I took the time to analyze the data, evangelicals at 80% were the only group to be above 50%. I don't recall if military families were a category.
>>>But I do know there are plenty military people coming out with their lack of support of Bush. Once example is:
>>>Of course it's hard to tell what is really felt by those still in Iraq/Afghanistan since the pentagon is censoring blogs from those over there.
>>>>>Can you explain why still 80% of the religous right still is supporting bush while every other group has no confidence in Bush anymore.
>>>>I don't know anyone in the religious right so I cannot answer that. I know a lot of non-religious military families that support him, but that wouldn't answer your question. It does negate your statement that every other group has no confidence in him anymore though.

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