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Hillary and Ted were Wrong Wrong Wrong
23/11/2005 22:29:19
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No thank you. It's refreshing to me to hear from someone in your geographic area who is thinking clearly about current events. I'm not sure why there's not a larger percentage of people who just don't read a little to understand what's going on.

As someone here stated before, there are far too many who are confusing support for the troops with support for an unjust war. And they've drank the koolaid that says if you say anything negative you are unpatriotic.

>>Your view is extremely simplistic and shows a lack of understanding of what's really going on.
>>As we have seen, there have been several major terrorist attacks in the world since 9-11. We have heard tapes of Al Queda stating they are going to attack countries that have aligned themselves with the US. I doubt very highly this has to do with tightened US borders or them being on the run.
>>It has been stated by many, many experts who've been to Iraq that "we are not part of the solution over there, we are part of the problem". There is no lack of people willing to sign up for the insurgency. I believe one of the reasons is we have proven every one of Osama's selling points. Another reason is the type of war that is being fought. There have been an extremely high number of Iraqi civilian casualities. That is very likely to turn a famlies surviving members into terrrorists.
>>Much like your belief that everything revolves around "God", you seem to take a simplistic view on world events. Iraq is much closer to a major civil war then to a democracy.
>>I have not heard or read anything to indicate that events are settling down in the region. Are there some good things happening there, yes. Some events that could never occur under Sadam are happening now. But there is a large amount of blood being spilled there everyday with no end in site.
>>Generals are reporting how terrorist bombs are becoming more sophisticated, as are their tactics in general. And we are not prepared for this. I read an article where the generals were bemoaning the fact that washington doesn't seem to express any interest in establishing a group whose primary responsibility would be to come up with methods for quickly identifying and neutralizing the bombs that are being used.
>>Iraq is much closer to aligning themselves with Iran and becoming a fundamentalist nation then they are to becoming a democracy. The worse fears of those opposed to the war from the getgo are becoming true.
>Thank you.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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