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Sometimes, you never really know someone
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>Scary indeed. Here's another one I saw in the 1st article...
>"..."Redkey acknowledges the evidence in Mu’min’s case is ambiguous...."
>Now if I was a prosecutor I dont think I'd spend much time prosecuting people with a case based on 'ambiguous' evidence...geeze. Plus they're all freaking out about the books he owns. Man I hope the CIA doesn't ever raid my place...that Anarchist's Cookbook book I have (and everyone should own a copy) would probably end up as some sort of ambigous evidence that would translate into how I "might" be this or I was at a bar last night and there "might" of been some people talking "jihad smack" so guess I better find a new one to hang out at.

Maybe we should a good old fashion book burn party. Besides, if "they" beleive that some books are wrong, then they should post a list of those books. I wonder if I purchase any those same books on Amazon if a red flag comes up at the CIA. He11, I should stay home and keep the blinds closed. It is get way too weird out there. I thought I had to worry about the terrorist.

>>This is what is scary (bold and underline are my doing):
>>In the end, U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Leighton chose the sentence the prosecutor had suggested.
(5 years in prison, BTW)
>>“Clearly this case represents a picture in contrasts,” Leighton said. “I don’t know who the real Mr. Mu’min is.”
>>A U.S. Probation Department report recommended the legal maximum of 10 years in prison, relying on the U.S. Attorney’s Office contention that Mu’min might have a “jihad mentality.”
>>Assistant U.S. Attorney Bill Redkey had recommended the low end of the standard sentencing range, in exchange for Mu’min’s guilty plea in April to being a felon in possession of guns. He argued against High’s idea of no prison time, saying Mu’min hung out in a South Seattle barbershop where radical Muslims talked “jihad smack.”

>>We must not allow our society to convict people of "don't know", "might have", and barber shop bull sessions. They only grounds for any crime as I read it are the possession of guns by a felon.
>>>For the last year I commuted to work on the train with man. I have had him and his family over to barbeque several times. I have listened to his stories and idea. Never once did he ever give me the impression that he had anything but good intention for his family or the community.
>>>But, I still believe he is good man, and his intention are good.
Greg Reichert

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