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Hillary and Ted were Wrong Wrong Wrong
01/12/2005 18:22:06
01/12/2005 17:08:37
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Hi Tracy,

In the past year I have traveled with my wife to Japan and more recently to England and Scotland. Perhaps our hosts were more polite than the usual but the subject of politics, foreign policy etc never came up. The Scots did, however, seem to go out of their way to point out buildings that were "older than your country"

So go ahead and take that trip!!


>Typically, politics don't come up in normal conversation. I get into many discussions on politics in specific locations such as coffee shops but not in most places. I have a lot of friends that are staunch Republicans and many Democrats as well. Each seems to be as headstrong as the other :o) It does seem though that when Europeans meet an American on their own soil the first thing they want to ask is whether or not they agree with George Bush while it is not daily conversation over here.
>>One Tip,
>>Avoid any conversation about politics. Europeans in general don't like bush.
>>>Not afraid at all. I have over 1000 hours rotary wing. However, one negative anit-american experience can ruin the entire trip so it is better to wait I think.
>>>>>Both of my paternal grandparents were born in Norway and immigrated to the U.S. in their teens. I have often wanted to visit there with my daughter. Now we'll have to wait until a few presidential terms have passed before I would risk it.
>>>>Hmmm, that for someone who served in the army. Or are you just affraid to fly ?
>>>>>>>LOL, You really think that you are better off when taxes are low? That is the stupidest remark I ever heard. Learn some economics and learn that the lower the taxes, the poorer joe average. Income taxes dropped from 50% to some 38% a few years ago up here. Do you really think I have more to spend? Hahaha. I wish it was so. You're beeing tricked, by a very simple economic rule. Well let me tell you. Low taxes is great if you've got an awfull lot of money, but bad if you just have barely enough to feed your family.
>>>>>>>In a free (or even semi-free) market economy, lower taxes across the board provide more benefits than perceived problems and inequities.
>>>>>>>Since you argued that someone "learn some economics", you yourself may want to read some of the material of the Austrian school, which provides some of the best arguments for a free market economy.
>>>>>>Please give me some references.
>>>>>>The fact is whether you agree or not, is that the height of taxes is not a general measure for economy. Scandanavian countries traditionally have the best economies in europe. At the same time they have a high standard of quality of life.
>>>>>>It is a simple fact that lowering taxes is good for the rich, but the poor still are poor. So the gap between rich and poor becomes larger and larger. Lowering taxes, as we have seen here in the netherlands, does not do much for joe average. On the longer term the employers will react on that, arguing "well you started to pay less for taxes, so we can give you less to live from", so the employees are back to square one. Meanwhile the rich are getting richer and the government has not enough money to take care of certain things that are regulated by the government in other countries. One prime example is health care. The US is the one and only western country in which the government does not supply basic healthcare. Why is infrastructure at a doubtfull level as shown in the hurricanes in florida and new orleans ?
>>>>>>Most people are helped with high taxes where everything you need for basic life is free or at least affordable. Now imagine that you had to pay 2 or 3% extra tax, but you'll get free health care? or if you have an accident and could not work anymore for the rest of your life, would you not be glad the government takes care for you?
>>>>>>Sure there are dangers to this system as we are experiencing in the netherlands and in other parts of europe as well. Many people are/have been missusing these systems. This is something we recognised to do something about. This all will take shape within a few years.

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