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Towards quantum computers?
02/12/2005 20:19:49
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>>>>>>>For anyone following the latest news on quantum computers, the following is quite interesting:
>>>>>>>( For more general information on quantum computers, see )
>>>>>>Thanks, Hilmar. I wonder how long it will be before any of this translates into a useful device. The subject has a strange fascination for me, although I really don't understand it. I wish I had the time to study this further, and looks like a great place to start - it's one of the best organized and written, focused scientific sites I've ever seen.
>>>>>I was reading some of this to my 12-year old son yesterday, and he found it to be quite crazy. After all, how can a cat be alive and dead at the same time??? And after that, it becames only weirder.
>>>>>But that is more or less what quantum mechanics claims - that a quantum system can be in a superposition of several states, in a sense that is not normally observable in the large-scale world.
>>>>IIRC, what Heisenberg was saying was that determinate systems have no meaning until observed. For instance the idea of an electron orbit is meaningless unless and until we observe it. It's when we try to bring that thinking into the macro world (the Schrödinger's cat, for example) that is becomes unwieldy. If you talk to a person with no scientific interest about electrons and the uncertainty principal, you'll generally get a bit of a head-shake, but acceptance. If you talk to that same person about the cat, they'll simply think you're nuts.
>>>I guess what intrigues me about quantum computing is the prospect of seeing some new, macroscopic manifestations of QM. Somehow, despite the overwhelming confirmation of QM at the microscopic level (which indirectly has very observable macroscopic consequences), it is difficult to grasp at an intuitive level.
>>>The properties of liquid helium may be the closest thing to a directly observable quantum behavior, for those few who are lucky enough to have played with it. But a quantum computer performing a useful computation would be a major revelation. The consequences for cryptography, among other things, could be dramatic.
>>It's intriguing to think about how quantum computers would be controlled. After all, you have to be able to predict the outcome of quantum interactions in order to be able to fashion a computer that does what is expected of it every time.
>>I remember reading an article about Einsteinian Locality and the Bell experiments quite a while ago and thinking that it might be a great way to send messages faster than the speed of light.
>>In general, the problem of locality is that no information can travel faster than the speed of light, but in the Bell experiments it was found that information did seem to break that law. If I recall, certain particles are created in pairs with opposite spin, colour, etc. Because energy cannot be created or destroyed, the characteristics of the pairs must cancel each other out exactly. So, what happens if the spin on one of the particles is changed? The other shouldn't hear about the change any sooner than it would take light to travel from one to the other. However, what they found was that changing the spin on one changed the spin on the other at the same time. It was measurable and repeatable.
>>That being the case, if you coded a message by changing the spins on a lot of particles at one place, then their twins, which sped off in another direction, would show the same coding. I don't have any idea how this would be set up and made to work, but the idea is almost scary.
>Well, if they had really proven it, it would be easy enough to confirm with a simple telegraph and some synchronized atomic clocks. Somehow, I doubt that this has been done, as I believe that the impossibility of communicating at greater than light speed is a very deep principle. I don't think quantum computation is nearly so far-fetched, although I don't claim to have a deep understanding of it. The way I think of it, QC enables direct computation of certain kinds of useful functions - those that are basic to the mathematics of QM - in a manner that overcomes the inherent limitations of performing those calculations by conventional means. The most direct application of QC might be something like understanding the shapes of large molecules, or taking it further, modeling the folding of complex proteins, a very important topic in biochemistry.

Well, Bell's Theorem is well known in Physics since it stood the scientific world on it's ear back in the mid 1970's. It's been proven more than once, and is pretty much part of the accepted quantum system now. In fact as I understand it, not only did it prove that locality was not a requiremnt, it proved that non-locality is.

>In relation to cryptography, my limited understanding is that there are two opposing ways that quantum effects could come into play. On the one hand, there is the possibility of developing a more secure form of tamper-proof communications - quantum cryptography. I'm not sure if this is truly "quantum computation", or just capitalizing on a quantum effect, but I regard this as somewhat obscure compared to the more immediate potential for a negative impact on security. Specifically, I'm talking about the possibility of breaking the whole public/private key infrastructure and encryption techniques that rely on the difficulty of factoring very large numbers.

>Exactly how QC figures into factoring large numbers I can not explain, but the literature suggests that the mathematics of this are pretty well understood. My simple-minded way of thinking about it is that QC enables what amounts to a kind of "diffuse computation", equivalent to a form of massive parallelism. I may be mistaken, and I'm surely over-simplifying, but I'm always looking for ways to visualize and and understand things better.

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