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The Bush Doctrine
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>>>First of all, the change in foriegn policy to shape a world without dictators was put into practice 2 years ago.
>>Care to point me to a document?
>Are you kidding me?
>As a vocal dissenter you should have your documents already in order. It wouldn't make sense to criticize something you've never read. Don't you agree?
>Here's a good start:
Like the White House is a source for accurate information. More on this later...
>>>Pointing out the inconsistencies between old policy and new policy is not sufficient evidence that the new policy is defective.
>>What is the "new policy"? Further, where is it documented?
>In the speeches that the president has given and on his website, not to mention in nearly every other source of political commentary.
And you believe it? What have you been watching? Fox News?
>>>Second, we continue to support some dictators because the world simply cannot undergo a substantial change over night. Our new policy signifies a new direction from the old. It does not pretend that we can immediately jump to our ideal reality just by coming up with a new idea.
>>>Get real.
>>This isn't about "new ideas".
>I suppose if you're not paying attention it might look that way.

OK. That you don't need fossil fuels, like gasoline, isn't anything new.

I've been paying a good deal of attention. Right now there are auto makers delivering vehicles that don't use gasoline.
>>The jihadists don't hate us for our freedoms. They hate us for our presence in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The hate us for our policies on Israel.
>We're invading their lands. They used to have this part of the Earth where they could completely control women and the decisions that rule their lives, that they can legally stone women for adultery or anyone converting to atheism because Allah wrote the ultimate law of that land.
>And we're taking that way of life away from them.
>Lucky for them you're around because they get no sympthaty from me.

Nor me. Does this give us a reason to invade a country because we don't like their religion? Does this give us a reason to invade a country because we don't like their way of life? The answer is a resounding, "NO!"

The problem is that there are other ways than war to help the cause of human rights.

>>What's the reason? Oil!
>Let's assume it is. If the world's Oil Companies didn't control Iraq's oil, then an unaccountable nutter who lives a decadant life style while his people suffer would.
>Hypothetically, if the reason was oil, then I think it is a good reason. I'd rather not have horrible dictators controling an important world resource.

So we're always right? I don't think so.

>>When we detain people without due process. Our Constitution clearly outlines this. When our Vice-President wants to make the CIA excluded from the Geneva Convention.
>What else?

I can't believe this response. Given what you've written above, it's pure hypocrisy.

>>Then why didn't we in 1992 live up to what we told some of the Iraqis? We said, we'd help you over throw Saddam, but didn't live up to our word.
>Do you think pointing out what we did wrong in 1992 is relevant to this conversation?

Has it ever occurred to you that this war might be a case of "Correcting Daddy's Mistake"? It has to me.
>>>But let's not get distracted by that. Before we're allowed, in your eyes, to do things like rescue entire populations of people from the proverbial well of oppression, what must be done? For what great reason does the democratizing of the world remain on hold?
>>It isn't up to us to "democratize" the rest of the world. We've too many problems here. What about the excellerating difference between the top 1% and the rest of the society? What about the victims of Katrina?
>>We've plenty to do here. We don't need to be "fixing" the rest of the world.
>Ok. You convinced me George. Screw the rest of the world. We live like kings and they suffer through oppresive governments, genocide, disease, and hunger, but they should be able to fix their own problems and we should focus on ours.

I've never said screw the rest of the world. However, before we start "fixing" the rest of the world, we need to fix ourselves first. You may live like a king, but not everyone else does. You talk about oppesive government. Have you really looked at the "Patriot Act" and what freedoms you no longer have?

You talk about disease. Why is it that the "right" is trying to suppress a vaccine that will reduce, if not eliminate, the possibility of cervical cancer in women?

BTW, my wife is a public health nurse.

>Thanks for convincing me of the right way. We can end this conversation now.

Ubi caritas et amor, deus ibi est

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