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Rockin' on without Microsoft
06/12/2005 07:24:54
Jay Johengen
Altamahaw-Ossipee, North Carolina, United States
05/12/2005 19:18:53
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You can't win this one, Jim. I think Craig drank the Kool-aid a long time ago and really liked the taste.

>First, Craig, the police don't do "business". When I wrote "no matter who you are" I was referring to Microsoft.
>Then there is the question of did he really know. I don't think he "knew". It seems he knew that PCs were being passed downward. He may even have suggested that it be done. But I'd bet that he didn't do the 'handing down' himself. He no doubt relied on his (IT?) staff to do the actual work. You know, the way Microsoft contracts out lots of its work and then you say it's the contractor's fault, not Microsoft's when something goes wrong < s >.
>Wouldn't it be the cat's as~ if the disgruntled former employee was the actual doer of the deeds!
>Finally there's the whole SMELL of the thing. Disgruntled employee informs Microsift or BSA or whoever. Marshalls are called, a "take down" happens in full raw glory (film at 6) and ads are taken out to fully expose the "offender". Like they do in some towns for johns caught propositioning (or whatever) a hooker!!!
>Microsoft - the root of the problem - let this thing get way way out of control. They gave themselves a black eye in the process.
>>Really? Let me give you another scenario...
>>Your neighbor is a crack dealer. Instead of arresting him, the police simply tell him to stop selling crack. How would you feel?
>>OK.... crack dealer vs. software pirate... not quite the same thing... but they're both criminals. Sorry.. I don't buy his story. I'm not saying the SBA and Microsoft handled things properly. The guy knew it was wrong, yet still did it. He's a criminal and should be treated as one.
>>FYI...copyright infringement in the US is enforcable by both civil and criminal penalties.
>>>C'mon, Craig. I take it you didn't read the story... or he fooforah 3 or so years ago when they first hit him with the LAW SUIT.
>>>He was absolutely psoitively CORRECT in stating that they oght to have discussed things with him FIRST instead of an unannounced law suit followed by ADS IN LOCAL PAPERS mentioning his company name.
>>>It simply is no way to "do business", no matter who you are.

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