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Row Height in DataGrid Control...?
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VB.NET 1.1
Windows 2000 SP4
Windows 2000 Server
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Here is the code I am using. Please note that I am new to VB.Net and this is the only way I found that I can accomplish what I am looking for. I know there is probably a better way, but I am pressed for time and just need to get this working. Before you see the code, I'll give you some backgound. I have a polymorphic form where I need to display certain columns as Combobox/Dropdown Lists. I saw that VB.Net does not have a "DataGridComboBoxColumn" type, so I searched online and found an article saying that the only way was to "fake" it by creating a Combobox object, and just display it over the selected cell. I got most of the code working, except that my Combobox is taller then the row, so I need to increase to row height. Now that you have the background....here is my code.
Private Sub FormatGrid()
        ' Procedure/Function: FormatGrid()
        ' Author: Ben Santiago
        ' Last Revision: 12/09/2005
        ' Description:
        '       Format grid based on supplied schema.
        ' Schema for GridFormatString:
        '       ColumnName=HeaderName=Width=Type,ColumnName=HeaderName=Width=Type,etc...
        '           Width: Numeric Value Causes Override To Specified Size
        '           Type:  Text, Combo

        ' Initialize Variables
        Dim objComboDef As structComboData
        Dim objTableStyle As New DataGridTableStyle
        Dim objColumnStyle As DataGridTextBoxColumn
        Dim objFont As New Font(gridListing.Font.Name, gridListing.Font.Size, gridListing.Font.Style)
        Dim objBitmap As New Bitmap(1, 1)
        Dim objGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(objBitmap)
        Dim arrColumnDefinitions() As String
        Dim arrColumnDetails() As String
        Dim intCounter As Short

        ' Parse String Into Array
        ' Process Each Column Definition
        arrColumnDefinitions = GridFormatString.Split(",")
        For intCounter = 0 To arrColumnDefinitions.GetUpperBound(0)
            ' Parse Column Details
            '   0 = Column Name
            '   1 = Column Header Text
            '   2 = Column Width
            '   3 = Column Type
            ReDim Preserve arrColumnDetails(3)
            Array.Clear(arrColumnDetails, 0, 4)
            arrColumnDetails = arrColumnDefinitions(intCounter).Split("=")
            ReDim Preserve arrColumnDetails(3)

            ' Set Defaults (If Needed)
            If arrColumnDetails(2) = "" Then
                arrColumnDetails(2) = "*"
            End If
            If arrColumnDetails(3) = "" Then
                arrColumnDetails(3) = "Text"
            End If

            ' Create Table Style
            With objTableStyle
                ' Define General Style Properties
                .MappingName = "tblListing"
                .RowHeadersVisible = False

                ' Define Column Properties
                objColumnStyle = New DataGridTextBoxColumn
                With objColumnStyle
                    .MappingName = arrColumnDetails(0)
                    .HeaderText = arrColumnDetails(1)
                    If arrColumnDetails(2) = "*" Then
                        .Width = objGraphics.MeasureString(.HeaderText, objFont).Width + 5
                        .Width = arrColumnDetails(2)
                    End If
                End With

                ' If Designated As Combo, Create Object
                If arrColumnDetails(3).ToUpper = "COMBO" Then
                    ' Create Object & Handler Reference
                    objComboDef = Me.ComboboxDefinitions(arrColumnDetails(0))
                    objComboDef.objCombobox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
                    objComboDef.objCombobox.Visible = False
                    AddHandler objComboDef.objCombobox.TextChanged, AddressOf ComboTextChanged

                    ' Populate Combobox With Data
                    objDatabase.OpenTable(Me.FormID, "tbl" & arrColumnDetails(0), objComboDef.SQLStatement)
                    With objComboDef.objCombobox
                        .DataSource = objDatabase.DataSets(Me.FormID).Tables("tbl" & arrColumnDetails(0))
                        .DisplayMember = objComboDef.DisplayColumn
                        .ValueMember = objComboDef.ValueColumn
                    End With

                    ' Add Combobox To Grid
                End If
            End With

        ' Define Grid Style Properties
        With gridListing
            .CaptionVisible = False
            .RowHeadersVisible = False
        End With

        ' Apply Table Style To Grid

        ' Load Data
        If Not objComboDef Is Nothing Then
            gridListing.PreferredRowHeight = objComboDef.objCombobox.Height + 10
        End If

        ' Refresh/Reset Currently Selected Cell
        gridListing.CurrentCell = New DataGridCell(0, 1)
        gridListing.CurrentCell = New DataGridCell(0, 0)
    End Sub
Ben Santiago, MCP & A+
Programmer Analyst (SQL, FoxPro, VB, VB.Net, Java, HTML, ASP, JSP, VBS)
Eastern Suffolk BOCES - Student Data Services

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
-Rich Cook

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