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29/12/2005 14:38:42
29/12/2005 08:59:07
Mike Yearwood
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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>>>>If everyone has a gun, then it only takes one nutcase to cause a bloodbath. If noone has a gun then no-one will get killed by a gun. Even if a robber has a gun, he won't use it unless neccesary, so no deaths either. And if two oposing camps have guns, you can be pretty sure there is blood going to flow...
>>>>You don't have to be einstein to see this.
>>>The problem with the no-gun argument is that it is totally unrealistic, for two reasons:
>>>1) If someone wants to committ murder (or suicide, for that matter), a way will be found. Anything and everything has been used as murder weapons. Guns. Knives. Baseball bats. Axes. Banjos. I personally know a woman whose husband was trying to kill her via slow poison.
>>>2) There is NO WAY that firearms - or any other potential weapon - can be removed from society. No possible way.
>>>I would suggest you read up on stories of when firearms have been used to stop or prevent theft, rape, and murder. The "American Rifleman" publishes some every month. They're probably listed on the NRA website.
>>>Personally, I feel that firearm training should be part of high school curricula. If more people become familiar with them, accidental deaths would drop. The US doesn't have compulsory military service, and hasn't for quite some time, so there is a huge segment of society that no longer has any type of even rudimentary firearms training.
>>>But I also feel that personal responsibility plays a huge role in firearms safety, and personal responsibility seems to be a concept that a lot of liberals have problems with.
>>Of course! I admit it. I have major problems with the concept of "personal responsibility". Personal responsibility is probably the single least trustworthy way of dealing with anything. If my life is going to depend on the 'personal responsibility' of others, then I figure I have some real problems to look forward to.
>>Ok, let's start by getting rid of DWI laws. Let's get rid of cops entirely. Just put everything on the honour system and forget about regulating anything at all. Jeez, personal responsibility. Sure.
>As to the idea that if everyone had a gun there'd be a bloodbath, you're forgetting the idea of balance of power.

I'm not sure 'balance of power' really works on that sort of scale. Normal people are not likely going to get into shoot-outs with gangs just because they can. People (even if they have guns) will do what they've always done - duck for cover and cede power to whoever has more and better guns.

>I don't advocate getting rid of cops, but there are already too many. They're not preventing crimes at all. There are too many laws for anyone to walk down the street without stepping in any. The government drops the bombshell idea of putting the army on the street too. They want to dip into our tax dollars to make our streets and communities into prisons with armed guards on every corner and cameras everywhere. Eventually that will make everyone want to have a gun.

If I understand what you're referring to, the 'Government' didn't drop the bombshell of having army in the cities, that was one of Harper's ideas for better response to disasters. Or are you talking about something else that maybe I haven't heard about.

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